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1 collaborator

Patarakin_m Evgeny Patarakin (Author)



Tagged by Evgeny Patarakin over 12 years ago


Tagged by Evgeny Patarakin over 12 years ago


Tagged by Evgeny Patarakin over 12 years ago

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Model was written in NetLogo 5.0 • Viewed 831 times • Downloaded 36 times • Run 0 times
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Comments and Questions

Problem with Russian letters

There are some problems with Russian names of Globals - i shall check it.

Posted over 12 years ago

It doesn't work

Need code debugging

Posted about 12 years ago

Russian letters

Hi there; I just wanted to let you know that we have improved the Modeling Commons software since you first used it. Both NetLogo itself and the Modeling Commons software now fully support Unicode characters, including all Russian letters. If you upload a new version of your model, it should show up just fine -- and if it doesn't, please let us know, so that we can fix this.

Posted over 11 years ago

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breed [pages page] ;
breed [users user] ;
;; _____ ____ _ __ _____, __ _____ ______ ________, _______ _________ _ _____ ______
directed-link-breed [pagelinks pagelink] ;
directed-link-breed [uplinks uplink]

users-own [impact readlist researching reading writing  editing  age retirement active? status knowledge co-editors] ;
;; impact - ________, _ _______ ________ 
;; researchching - ________ ___ ____ _ _____ __ _______
;; readlist - ________ _______, _______ __ ________
;; reading - ability te read the page
;; writing - ability to create new page 
;; researching - ability to research in Things_list
;; editing 
;; age 
;; retirement
;; active?  
;; status - can be user or moderator
;; co-editors - ______ ___, _ ___ ____________

pages-own [history text_size last_edit is_about] ;
;; History - list of agents which has edit or create this page
;; text_size - ______ ________ 
;; last_edit _____ __________ ______________
;; is_about - _________ _ _______ Things

uplinks-own [edits] ;; _____ ______________

globals [Things_list] ;;

to setup
  set-default-shape users "person" 
  set-default-shape pages "circle" ;
reset-timer ;
set Things_list n-values _______ [?]
;; - _ ____ ______ _ ___ ___ 1 ________! _ ___ ____ ________ ________, ___ _______ __ _____ _______ ________
   create-users _________
    set age 0
    ;; set color party_colors
    ;; set color white
     set active? true
     set status "user"
    fd 1 + random max-pycor set heading random 360
    set impact [] ;   - ________, _______ __ ____________ = _______ ______________
    set readlist [] ; - ________ ____________
    set knowledge [] ; - ________ _________
    set co-editors lput [who] of self  [] ; ______ ____________
    set reading ______ ;
     set writing Writability ;
     set editing Editability ;
     set researching  Research ;
  layout-circle users (world-width / 2 - 3) 

to go
  ;; ____ ___ ____ _______, __ __________ ______
;  show se length remove-duplicates  agency-to-knol  pages length Things_list
if length remove-duplicates  pages-to-knol agency-to-list  pages  = length Things_list  [stop]
;; ____ ___ ________ __ ______ _____ ____________ _ ______ _______
;; and  ( (2 * count pagelinks ) >= ( (count pages) * (count pages - 1) ) )
 ask users with [active? = true] [gowrite] ;
 ;;  layout-spring pages links 0.4 1 1
;; _ ________ ______, _ _______ _____ _____ ____________ ______ _____ _ ________ ______ __ ___. ___ __ _____ ____ ______ ______ __ ____ - ______ __ ____ _______
 collab_diagram ;
 ; display

to  gowrite
;; if age > retirement [set active? false ht stop]
;; if sort knowledge = sort Things_list [stop]
 run one-of shuffle (se n-values researching  ["researh_thing"] n-values reading  ["read_page"]  n-values writing  ["write_page"] n-values  editing   ["edit_page"]    )
set age age + 1

;;;  One of abilities

to researh_thing
;; _________ Things_list _ _________ ______ _ knowledge
let newknol filter [not member? ? knowledge] Things_list
if empty? newknol  [stop]
set knowledge lput one-of newknol knowledge 

to read_page
 ;; ___ _____ _____ _________ ________?! _ ____________ _____ ______ - __ ___ ___ ________ - is_about _______ ______, ___ ______, ___ __ ______ _____
 ;; ________ __________ _ knowledge - __ ___ __ __ ___________ ______, _ ___ ____ ____ __ ____
   ;;  let unread  filter [not member? ? readlist] agency-to-list pages  ;; !! ___ _____ - ________ __ ______, _ ____
     let unknown filter [not member? [is_about] of page ? knowledge ] agency-to-list pages   ;;
  if not empty? unknown
    let readknol probablyfirst pages-by-edit-time   unknown 
    ;; _____ __ ______ ______ ___ __, ___ ___ ___ __ _____ - ____ ____ knowledge, __ __ ______
    set readlist lput readknol readlist
    set knowledge lput [is_about] of page readknol knowledge ;
  ;; !!! _ ______ ___________ ___________ _____ _ ___________ __ _____ ______-__-___

to write_page
   let my_own_preference_list (se pages-by-size agency-to-list pages with [(first history) = [who] of myself ]  reverse impact pages-by-in-links readlist )  
 ;; _________ _____ _____ ______ ____ ____ ____ ___ ___ ________! _._. _ ____ ______ ____ ______ - knowledge b 
 ;; _ ___ ______ __ ___ __ ________ _ _________
 ;; _._. ___ ______ ___________ _______ _ _______. ______ _ ___ _____, ___ _______ ___ __ _____ _______
 ;; !!!!!! --- ________ _ _____ _________ ___ _ ______ ____________
 let unwrited filter [not member? ? pages-to-knol readlist] knowledge ;
 if not (empty? unwrited )  
   hatch 1 
    set breed pages 
       setxy 0 0
    ;; _ ___ ___ ________ - __ ________ __ ______ Things_list
     set is_about one-of unwrited
      set last_edit timer
      set text_size 1
      set size text_size
     ;; set label is_about
      create-uplink-from myself ;;
      ask uplink [who] of myself [who] of self [set edits 1 set label edits]
      set history lput [who] of myself [] 
      ask myself [
             set impact lput [who] of myself impact ;; _____ impact - _____ ________ _ ________ _______, _______ ____ ____________
              set readlist lput [who] of myself readlist ;


to edit_page 
   let my_own_preference_list []
    ;; _ 1 ________. _______ ____________ (__ _____ ________) + ___________ (__ _____ ________) 
   if PrefList = "_________________" 
[  set my_own_preference_list   (se   pages-by-size agency-to-list pages with [(first history) = [who] of myself ] impact   pages-by-size readlist )]
  ;; _ 2   _ ___ _____ ______ _______ + __, ___ ________
if PrefList = "________________" [ set my_own_preference_list   (se   pages-by-size impact   pages-by-size readlist ) ]
  ;; _3 _ ___ ______ _______ ___ _ ________ - _._. co-editors
if PrefList = "__________________" [set my_own_preference_list   (se  pages-by-edit-time  readlist  pages-by-edit-time  agency-to-list pages with [ member? (first history) [co-editors] of myself] impact   ) ]
  if not (empty? my_own_preference_list)     
     let temp_page probablyfirst  my_own_preference_list 
    ask page temp_page 
           ifelse is-link? uplink [who] of myself [who] of self  [ ask uplink [who] of myself [who] of self [set edits edits + 1 set label edits]]
             [ create-uplink-from myself ask uplink [who] of myself [who] of self [set edits 1 ] ]
             set text_size text_size + 0.04
                           set size text_size    
                            set last_edit timer         
           ;;   set color [color] of myself
              set history lput [who] of myself history 
              ask myself [
                set impact lput [who] of myself impact 
                                        set co-editors  remove-duplicates se [history] of myself co-editors

to collab_diagram
 ;; ask users [
 ;;  foreach impact [
 ;;   ifelse is-link? uplink who ? 
  ;;     [ask uplink who ? [set thickness  thickness  + 0.0001  ]]
  ;   [create-uplink-to page ?        ]
 ;;  ]
 ;; ]
 repeat 5 [layout-spring (turtle-set  pages users ) uplinks 1 1 0.7 ]
;; Agentset converted to the list

to-report agency-to-list [agency]
 report [who] of agency

;; list converted to the agentset of pages

to-report list-to-pages [list1]
  report pages with [ member? [who] of self list1]
;;; __ _____ __________ _________ _ ______

;;; _________ ______ _______ _ ______ ________ - is_about

to-report pages-to-knol [list1]
  report [is_about] of list-to-pages list1;

to-report agency-to-knol [agency]
  report [is_about] of agency

;;;  ____________ _______ ;;;
;; __ _______ ______ ________, __ __________ ______, __ __________ backlinks

to-report pages-by-edit-time [list1]
  report sort-by  [ [last_edit] of page ?1 > [last_edit] of page ?2] list1

to-report pages-by-size [list1]
  report sort-by  [ [text_size] of page ?1 > [text_size] of page ?2] list1

to-report pages-by-in-links [list1]
  report sort-by  [ [count my-in-links] of page ?1 > [count my-in-links] of page ?2] list1

to-report pages-by-out-links [list1]
  report sort-by  [ [count my-out-links] of page ?1 > [count my-in-links] of page ?2] list1

to-report party_colors
  report one-of [15 25 45  55 65 75 85 95 105 125 ] 

;;; ;;;;

to-report probablyfirst [list1]
if empty? bf list1 [ report first list1 ]
if random 2 > 0 [report first list1]
set list1 but-first list1
report probablyfirst list1

to-report DeadendPages
  ;; The following pages do not link to other pages
  report pages with [count my-out-links = 0] 

to-report LonelyPages
 ;; The following pages are not linked from or transcluded into other pages
  report pages with [count my-in-links = 0] 

to-report StrangePages
  ;; The following pages are not linked from or do not link to other pages
  report (turtle-set DeadendPages LonelyPages)

to-report SameThingPage
  ; ________, _______ __ _____ _ ___ __ ____
  report pages with [count other pages with [is_about = [is_about] of myself ] > 0] ;

to-report UnicalPage
  ; ________, _______ ______ __ _____ ____
  report pages with [count other pages with [is_about = [is_about] of myself ] = 0] ;

to-report Co-editingPage
  ;; ________, _______ _____________ _________ __________

;; ____, ___ _______ ___ ______ __ ________

;;;     Plotting    ;;;

to update-plot
set-current-plot "______ 1"
 ;; set-plot-y-range 0 count pages
 set-current-plot-pen "pages"
 plot count pages
 set-current-plot-pen "dublicate"
 plot  count SameThingPage

set-current-plot-pen "unic"
 plot  count UnicalPage
 set-current-plot-pen "_______"
 plot  length Things_list - length remove-duplicates  pages-to-knol agency-to-list  pages 

There is only one version of this model, created over 12 years ago by Evgeny Patarakin.

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