Building Evacuation
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globals [ row aisle goal-x goal-y n ] patches-own [path?] turtles-own [direction fast? fear? other-nearby] to setup ; linked with setup button on interface clear-all setup-patches ;declaration, created further down in code set-default-shape turtles "person" ;makes them look like people ask n-of number patches with [pcolor = blue] ; makes turtles sprout on blue patches only [ sprout 1 [ if count neighbors4 with [pcolor = brown] = 4 [ die ] set size 1 ;; setting turtle size facexy -132 55 ; initial direction faceing set direction 1 set color green ;initial color if xcor mod 2 != 0 [set fast? false] ;seting half the turtles to have boolean fast? false if xcor mod 2 = 0 [set fast? true] if turtles != red [set fear? false]; sets turtles not red to not have fear ;Kirwan if xcor <= 6 and xcor >= -6 [walk1];calls function walk one for turtles in specified zone if xcor <= 0 and xcor >= -7 [ set heading -90] ;tells turtles in zone what direction to face if xcor > 0 and xcor <= 7 [ set heading 90] if xcor >= -11 and xcor < -7 [set heading 90] if xcor <= 11 and xcor > 7 [set heading -90] ;Larmour if xcor <= 30 and xcor >= 16 [walk1] ;Dillon if xcor <= -16 and xcor >= -30 [walk1] ;AC201 if xcor < 56 and xcor >= 35 [walk1] ;AC202 if xcor >= 57 and ycor < 48 and xcor <= 72 and ycor >= 40 [ set heading 0 ] ;AC203 if xcor >= 73 and ycor < 48 and xcor < 84 and ycor >= 40 [set heading 0] ;AC204 if xcor >= 84 and ycor < 48 and xcor <= 95 and ycor >= 40 [set heading 0] ;O'Flaherty if xcor = 102 and ycor > 10 and ycor < 42 [ set heading 0] if xcor = 103 and ycor > 10 and ycor < 42 [ set heading 0] if xcor = 114 and ycor > 10 and ycor < 42 [ set heading 0] if xcor = 115 and ycor > 10 and ycor < 42 [ set heading 0] if xcor >= 96 and xcor <= 100 [set heading 90] if xcor >= 115 and xcor <= 118 [set heading -90] if xcor >= 102 and xcor <= 113 [walk1] ;D'arcy Thompson if xcor >= 120 and xcor <= 134 [walk1] ;Cairne if xcor >= 136 and xcor <= 139 [set heading 90] if xcor >= 155 and xcor <= 158 [set heading -90] if xcor >= 141 and xcor <= 153 [walk1] ;McMunn if xcor < -127 and xcor > -138 [walk1] ] ] fear ;calls function fear reset-ticks end to walk1 ;function earlier called ifelse ((random 2) = 0);allows turtles randomly decide if they will go left or right in rows. [ go-left ] [ go-right ] end to go-left set heading 90 end to go-right set heading -90 end to setup-patches ;creates rows, aisles, concourse and exits draw-row draw-concourse draw-aisle draw-exit1 draw-exit2 draw-exit3 draw-exit4 draw-exit5 draw-exit6 draw-exit7 draw-exit8 draw-exit9 draw-exit10 draw-exit11 draw-exit12 draw-exit13 draw-exit14 draw-exit15 draw-exit16 ;Labels ask patch -1 -21[ set plabel-color white set plabel "Kirwan"] ask patch 24 22[ set plabel-color white set plabel "Larmour"] ask patch -24 22[ set plabel-color white set plabel "Dillon"] ask patch 44 38[ set plabel-color white set plabel "AC201"] ask patch 63 38 [ set plabel-color white set plabel "AC202"] ask patch 80 38 [ set plabel-color white set plabel "AC203"] ask patch 90 38 [ set plabel-color white set plabel "AC204"] ask patch 110 7 [ set plabel-color white set plabel "O'Flaherty"] ask patch 135 -2 [ set plabel-color white set plabel "D'arcy Thompson"] ask patch 146 18 [ set plabel-color white set plabel "Cairnes"] ask patch -130 24 [ set plabel-color white set plabel "McMunn"] ask patch -38 37 [ set plabel-color white set plabel "Media Centre"] ask patch -50 37 [ set plabel-color white set plabel "Smokey's Café"] ask patch 2 71[ set plabel-color Black set plabel "Stairs"] end to draw-concourse ask patches with [pycor >= 41 and pycor <= 54 and pxcor >= -139 and pxcor <= 34];asks particular zone of patches to turn their color to brown [set pcolor brown] ask patches with [pycor >= 49 and pycor <= 54 and pxcor >= 35 and pxcor <= 158] [set pcolor brown] ask patches with [pxcor >= -15 and pycor >= 24 and pxcor <= 15 and pycor <= 48] [set pcolor brown] ask patches with [pxcor >= 16 and pycor >= 39 and pxcor <= 34 and pycor <= 48] [set pcolor brown] ask patches with [pxcor <= -16 and pycor >= 39 and pxcor >= -34 and pycor <= 48] [set pcolor brown] ask patches with [pxcor >= -11 and pycor >= 55 and pxcor <= 11 and pycor <= 85] [set pcolor brown] ask patches with [pxcor >= 95 and pycor >= 43 and pxcor <= 158 and pycor <= 48] [set pcolor brown] ask patches with [pxcor >= 119 and pycor >= 23 and pxcor <= 135 and pycor <= 42] [set pcolor brown] ask patches with [pxcor >= -84 and pycor >= 39 and pxcor <= -60 and pycor <= 45] [set pcolor brown] ask patches with [pxcor >= -64 and pycor >= 46 and pxcor <= -50 and pycor <= 48] [set pcolor brown] ask patches with [pxcor >= -3 and pycor >= 68 and pxcor <= 3 and pycor <= 78] [set pcolor white] ;media centre ask patches with [pxcor <= -35 and pycor <= 48 and pxcor > -50 and pycor >= 39] [set pcolor white] ;smokies cafe ask patches with [pxcor <= -50 and pycor <= 45 and pxcor > -62 and pycor >= 39] [set pcolor green] ;smokies seating ask patches with [pxcor <= -65 and pycor <= 48 and pxcor > -85 and pycor >= 45] [set pcolor brown] ask patches with [pxcor <= -85 and pycor <= 48 and pxcor > -126 and pycor >= 39] [set pcolor brown] ;table1 ask patches with [pxcor <= -72 and pycor = 39 and pxcor >= -75] [set pcolor blue] ask patches with [pxcor <= -72 and pycor = 42 and pxcor >= -75] [set pcolor blue] ask patches with [pxcor = -77 and pycor >= 40 and pycor <= 41] [set pcolor blue] ask patches with [pxcor = -70 and pycor >= 40 and pycor <= 41] [set pcolor blue] ;table 2 ask patches with [pxcor <= -81 and pycor = 39 and pxcor >= -84] [set pcolor blue] ask patches with [pxcor <= -81 and pycor = 42 and pxcor >= -84] [set pcolor blue] ask patches with [pxcor = -86 and pycor >= 40 and pycor <= 41] [set pcolor blue] ask patches with [pxcor = -79 and pycor >= 40 and pycor <= 41] [set pcolor blue] ;table 3 ask patches with [pxcor <= -90 and pycor = 39 and pxcor >= -93] [set pcolor blue] ask patches with [pxcor <= -90 and pycor = 42 and pxcor >= -93] [set pcolor blue] ask patches with [pxcor = -95 and pycor >= 40 and pycor <= 41] [set pcolor blue] ask patches with [pxcor = -88 and pycor >= 40 and pycor <= 41] [set pcolor blue] ;table 4 ask patches with [pxcor <= -99 and pycor = 39 and pxcor >= -102] [set pcolor blue] ask patches with [pxcor <= -99 and pycor = 42 and pxcor >= -102] [set pcolor blue] ask patches with [pxcor = -104 and pycor >= 40 and pycor <= 41] [set pcolor blue] ask patches with [pxcor = -97 and pycor >= 40 and pycor <= 41] [set pcolor blue] ;table 5 ask patches with [pxcor <= -108 and pycor = 39 and pxcor >= -111] [set pcolor blue] ask patches with [pxcor <= -108 and pycor = 42 and pxcor >= -111] [set pcolor blue] ask patches with [pxcor = -113 and pycor >= 40 and pycor <= 41] [set pcolor blue] ask patches with [pxcor = -106 and pycor >= 40 and pycor <= 41] [set pcolor blue] ;table 6 ask patches with [pxcor <= -81 and pycor = 44 and pxcor >= -84] [set pcolor blue] ask patches with [pxcor <= -81 and pycor = 47 and pxcor >= -84] [set pcolor blue] ask patches with [pxcor = -86 and pycor >= 45 and pycor <= 46] [set pcolor blue] ask patches with [pxcor = -79 and pycor >= 45 and pycor <= 46] [set pcolor blue] ;table 7 ask patches with [pxcor <= -90 and pycor = 44 and pxcor >= -93] [set pcolor blue] ask patches with [pxcor <= -90 and pycor = 47 and pxcor >= -93] [set pcolor blue] ask patches with [pxcor = -95 and pycor >= 45 and pycor <= 46] [set pcolor blue] ask patches with [pxcor = -88 and pycor >= 45 and pycor <= 46] [set pcolor blue] ;table 8 ask patches with [pxcor <= -99 and pycor = 44 and pxcor >= -102] [set pcolor blue] ask patches with [pxcor <= -99 and pycor = 47 and pxcor >= -102] [set pcolor blue] ask patches with [pxcor = -104 and pycor >= 45 and pycor <= 46] [set pcolor blue] ask patches with [pxcor = -97 and pycor >= 45 and pycor <= 46] [set pcolor blue] ;table 9 ask patches with [pxcor <= -108 and pycor = 44 and pxcor >= -111] [set pcolor blue] ask patches with [pxcor <= -108 and pycor = 47 and pxcor >= -111] [set pcolor blue] ask patches with [pxcor = -113 and pycor >= 45 and pycor <= 46] [set pcolor blue] ask patches with [pxcor = -106 and pycor >= 45 and pycor <= 46] [set pcolor blue] ;table 10 ask patches with [pxcor <= -117 and pycor = 44 and pxcor >= -120] [set pcolor blue] ask patches with [pxcor <= -117 and pycor = 47 and pxcor >= -120] [set pcolor blue] ask patches with [pxcor = -122 and pycor >= 45 and pycor <= 46] [set pcolor blue] ask patches with [pxcor = -115 and pycor >= 45 and pycor <= 46] [set pcolor blue] end to draw-row;draws rows in the theatres....turtles can sprout here ;Kirwan ask patches with [pxcor < 12 and pxcor > -12 and pycor = 23] [set pcolor blue] ask patches with [pxcor < 12 and pxcor > -12 and pycor = 21] [set pcolor blue] ask patches with [pxcor < 12 and pxcor > -12 and pycor = 19] [set pcolor blue] ask patches with [pxcor < 12 and pxcor > -12 and pycor = 17] [set pcolor blue] ask patches with [pxcor < 12 and pxcor > -12 and pycor = 15] [set pcolor blue] ask patches with [pxcor < 12 and pxcor > -12 and pycor = 13] [set pcolor blue] ask patches with [pxcor < 12 and pxcor > -12 and pycor = 11] [set pcolor blue] ask patches with [pxcor < 12 and pxcor > -12 and pycor = 9] [set pcolor blue] ask patches with [pxcor < 12 and pxcor > -12 and pycor = 7] [set pcolor blue] ask patches with [pxcor < 12 and pxcor > -12 and pycor = 5] [set pcolor blue] ask patches with [pxcor < 12 and pxcor > -12 and pycor = 3] [set pcolor blue] ask patches with [pxcor < 12 and pxcor > -12 and pycor = 1] [set pcolor blue] ask patches with [pxcor < 12 and pxcor > -12 and pycor = -1] [set pcolor blue] ask patches with [pxcor < 12 and pxcor > -12 and pycor = -3] [set pcolor blue] ask patches with [pxcor < 12 and pxcor > -12 and pycor = -5] [set pcolor blue] ask patches with [pxcor < 12 and pxcor > -12 and pycor = -7] [set pcolor blue] ask patches with [pxcor < 12 and pxcor > -12 and pycor = -9] [set pcolor blue] ask patches with [pxcor < 12 and pxcor > -12 and pycor = -11] [set pcolor blue] ask patches with [pxcor < 12 and pxcor > -12 and pycor = -13] [set pcolor blue] ask patches with [pxcor < 12 and pxcor > -12 and pycor = -15] [set pcolor blue] ask patches with [pxcor < 12 and pxcor > -12 and pycor = -17] [set pcolor blue] ask patches with [pxcor < 12 and pxcor > -12 and pycor = -19] [set pcolor blue] ;Larmour ask patches with [pxcor < 29 and pxcor > 17 and pycor = 38] [set pcolor blue] ask patches with [pxcor < 29 and pxcor > 17 and pycor = 36] [set pcolor blue] ask patches with [pxcor < 29 and pxcor > 17 and pycor = 34] [set pcolor blue] ask patches with [pxcor < 29 and pxcor > 17 and pycor = 32] [set pcolor blue] ask patches with [pxcor < 29 and pxcor > 17 and pycor = 30] [set pcolor blue] ask patches with [pxcor < 29 and pxcor > 17 and pycor = 28] [set pcolor blue] ask patches with [pxcor < 29 and pxcor > 17 and pycor = 26] [set pcolor blue] ask patches with [pxcor < 29 and pxcor > 17 and pycor = 24] [set pcolor blue] ;Dillon ask patches with [pxcor < -17 and pxcor > -29 and pycor = 38] [set pcolor blue] ask patches with [pxcor < -17 and pxcor > -29 and pycor = 36] [set pcolor blue] ask patches with [pxcor < -17 and pxcor > -29 and pycor = 34] [set pcolor blue] ask patches with [pxcor < -17 and pxcor > -29 and pycor = 32] [set pcolor blue] ask patches with [pxcor < -17 and pxcor > -29 and pycor = 30] [set pcolor blue] ask patches with [pxcor < -17 and pxcor > -29 and pycor = 28] [set pcolor blue] ask patches with [pxcor < -17 and pxcor > -29 and pycor = 26] [set pcolor blue] ask patches with [pxcor < -17 and pxcor > -29 and pycor = 24] [set pcolor blue] ;AC201 ask patches with [pxcor < 56 and pxcor > 35 and pycor = 40] [set pcolor blue] ask patches with [pxcor < 56 and pxcor > 35 and pycor = 42] [set pcolor blue] ask patches with [pxcor < 56 and pxcor > 35 and pycor = 44] [set pcolor blue] ask patches with [pxcor < 52 and pxcor > 39 and pycor = 46] [set pcolor blue] ;AC202 ask patches with [pycor < 48 and pycor > 39 and pxcor = 58] [set pcolor blue] ask patches with [pycor < 48 and pycor > 39 and pxcor = 60] [set pcolor blue] ask patches with [pycor < 48 and pycor > 39 and pxcor = 62] [set pcolor blue] ask patches with [pycor < 48 and pycor > 39 and pxcor = 64] [set pcolor blue] ask patches with [pycor < 48 and pycor > 39 and pxcor = 66] [set pcolor blue] ask patches with [pycor < 48 and pycor > 39 and pxcor = 68] [set pcolor blue] ask patches with [pycor < 48 and pycor > 39 and pxcor = 70] [set pcolor blue] ask patches with [pycor < 48 and pycor > 39 and pxcor = 72] [set pcolor blue] ;AC203 ask patches with [pycor <= 48 and pycor > 39 and pxcor = 73] [set pcolor yellow] ask patches with [pycor < 48 and pycor > 39 and pxcor = 75] [set pcolor blue] ask patches with [pycor < 48 and pycor > 39 and pxcor = 77] [set pcolor blue] ask patches with [pycor < 48 and pycor > 39 and pxcor = 79] [set pcolor blue] ask patches with [pycor < 48 and pycor > 39 and pxcor = 81] [set pcolor blue] ask patches with [pycor < 48 and pycor > 39 and pxcor = 83] [set pcolor blue] ;AC204 ask patches with [pycor <= 48 and pycor > 39 and pxcor = 84] [set pcolor yellow] ask patches with [pycor < 48 and pycor > 39 and pxcor = 86] [set pcolor blue] ask patches with [pycor < 48 and pycor > 39 and pxcor = 88] [set pcolor blue] ask patches with [pycor < 48 and pycor > 39 and pxcor = 90] [set pcolor blue] ask patches with [pycor < 48 and pycor > 39 and pxcor = 92] [set pcolor blue] ask patches with [pycor < 48 and pycor > 39 and pxcor = 94] [set pcolor blue] ;O'Flaherty ask patches with [pxcor <= 100 and pxcor > 96 and pycor = 42] [set pcolor blue] ask patches with [pxcor <= 100 and pxcor > 96 and pycor = 40] [set pcolor blue] ask patches with [pxcor <= 100 and pxcor > 96 and pycor = 38] [set pcolor blue] ask patches with [pxcor <= 100 and pxcor > 96 and pycor = 36] [set pcolor blue] ask patches with [pxcor <= 100 and pxcor > 96 and pycor = 34] [set pcolor blue] ask patches with [pxcor <= 100 and pxcor > 96 and pycor = 32] [set pcolor blue] ask patches with [pxcor <= 100 and pxcor > 96 and pycor = 30] [set pcolor blue] ask patches with [pxcor <= 100 and pxcor > 96 and pycor = 28] [set pcolor blue] ask patches with [pxcor <= 100 and pxcor > 96 and pycor = 26] [set pcolor blue] ask patches with [pxcor <= 100 and pxcor > 96 and pycor = 24] [set pcolor blue] ask patches with [pxcor <= 100 and pxcor > 96 and pycor = 22] [set pcolor blue] ask patches with [pxcor <= 100 and pxcor > 96 and pycor = 20] [set pcolor blue] ask patches with [pxcor <= 100 and pxcor > 96 and pycor = 18] [set pcolor blue] ask patches with [pxcor <= 100 and pxcor > 96 and pycor = 16] [set pcolor blue] ask patches with [pxcor <= 100 and pxcor > 96 and pycor = 14] [set pcolor blue] ask patches with [pxcor <= 100 and pxcor > 96 and pycor = 12] [set pcolor blue] ask patches with [pxcor <= 100 and pxcor > 96 and pycor = 10] [set pcolor blue] ask patches with [pxcor < 113 and pxcor > 102 and pycor = 42] [set pcolor blue] ask patches with [pxcor < 113 and pxcor > 102 and pycor = 40] [set pcolor blue] ask patches with [pxcor < 113 and pxcor > 102 and pycor = 38] [set pcolor blue] ask patches with [pxcor < 113 and pxcor > 102 and pycor = 36] [set pcolor blue] ask patches with [pxcor < 113 and pxcor 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ask patches with [pxcor < 119 and pxcor > 114 and pycor = 42] [set pcolor blue] ask patches with [pxcor < 119 and pxcor > 114 and pycor = 40] [set pcolor blue] ask patches with [pxcor < 119 and pxcor > 114 and pycor = 38] [set pcolor blue] ask patches with [pxcor < 119 and pxcor > 114 and pycor = 36] [set pcolor blue] ask patches with [pxcor < 119 and pxcor > 114 and pycor = 34] [set pcolor blue] ask patches with [pxcor < 119 and pxcor > 114 and pycor = 32] [set pcolor blue] ask patches with [pxcor < 119 and pxcor > 114 and pycor = 30] [set pcolor blue] ask patches with [pxcor < 119 and pxcor > 114 and pycor = 28] [set pcolor blue] ask patches with [pxcor < 119 and pxcor > 114 and pycor = 26] [set pcolor blue] ask patches with [pxcor < 119 and pxcor > 114 and pycor = 24] [set pcolor blue] ask patches with [pxcor < 119 and pxcor > 114 and pycor = 22] [set pcolor blue] ask patches with [pxcor < 119 and pxcor > 114 and pycor = 20] [set pcolor blue] ask patches with [pxcor < 119 and pxcor > 114 and pycor = 18] [set pcolor blue] ask patches with [pxcor < 119 and pxcor > 114 and pycor = 16] [set pcolor blue] ask patches with [pxcor < 119 and pxcor > 114 and pycor = 14] [set pcolor blue] ask patches with [pxcor < 119 and pxcor > 114 and pycor = 12] [set pcolor blue] ask patches with [pxcor < 119 and pxcor > 114 and pycor = 10] [set pcolor blue] ;D'arcy Thompson ask patches with [pxcor < 130 and pxcor >= 119 and pycor = 22] [set pcolor blue] ask patches with [pxcor < 135 and pxcor >= 119 and pycor = 20] [set pcolor blue] ask patches with [pxcor < 135 and pxcor >= 119 and pycor = 18] [set pcolor blue] ask patches with [pxcor < 135 and pxcor >= 119 and pycor = 16] [set pcolor blue] ask patches with [pxcor < 135 and pxcor >= 119 and pycor = 14] [set pcolor blue] ask patches with [pxcor < 135 and pxcor >= 119 and pycor = 12] [set pcolor blue] ask patches with [pxcor < 135 and pxcor >= 119 and pycor = 10] [set pcolor blue] ask patches with [pxcor < 135 and pxcor >= 119 and pycor = 8] [set pcolor blue] ask patches with [pxcor < 135 and pxcor >= 119 and pycor = 6] [set pcolor blue] ask patches with [pxcor < 135 and pxcor >= 119 and pycor = 4] [set pcolor blue] ask patches with [pxcor < 135 and pxcor >= 119 and pycor = 2] [set pcolor blue] ask patches with [pxcor < 131 and pxcor >= 123 and pycor = 0] [set pcolor blue] ;Cairnes ask patches with [pxcor < 140 and pxcor >= 136 and pycor = 42] [set pcolor blue] ask patches with [pxcor < 140 and pxcor >= 136 and pycor = 40] [set pcolor blue] ask patches with [pxcor < 140 and pxcor >= 136 and pycor = 38] [set pcolor blue] ask patches with [pxcor < 140 and pxcor >= 136 and pycor = 36] [set pcolor blue] ask patches with [pxcor < 140 and pxcor >= 136 and pycor = 34] [set pcolor blue] ask patches with [pxcor < 140 and pxcor >= 136 and pycor = 32] [set pcolor blue] ask patches with [pxcor < 140 and pxcor >= 136 and pycor = 30] [set pcolor blue] ask patches with [pxcor < 140 and pxcor >= 136 and pycor = 28] [set pcolor blue] 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153 and pxcor >= 141 and pycor = 26] [set pcolor blue] ask patches with [pxcor < 153 and pxcor >= 141 and pycor = 24] [set pcolor blue] ask patches with [pxcor < 153 and pxcor >= 141 and pycor = 22] [set pcolor blue] ask patches with [pxcor < 153 and pxcor >= 141 and pycor = 20] [set pcolor blue] ask patches with [pxcor < 159 and pxcor >= 155 and pycor = 42] [set pcolor blue] ask patches with [pxcor < 159 and pxcor >= 155 and pycor = 40] [set pcolor blue] ask patches with [pxcor < 159 and pxcor >= 155 and pycor = 38] [set pcolor blue] ask patches with [pxcor < 159 and pxcor >= 155 and pycor = 36] [set pcolor blue] ask patches with [pxcor < 159 and pxcor >= 155 and pycor = 34] [set pcolor blue] ask patches with [pxcor < 159 and pxcor >= 155 and pycor = 32] [set pcolor blue] ask patches with [pxcor < 159 and pxcor >= 155 and pycor = 30] [set pcolor blue] ask patches with [pxcor < 159 and pxcor >= 155 and pycor = 28] [set pcolor blue] ask patches with [pxcor < 159 and pxcor >= 155 and pycor = 26] [set pcolor blue] ask patches with [pxcor < 159 and pxcor >= 155 and pycor = 24] [set pcolor blue] ask patches with [pxcor < 159 and pxcor >= 155 and pycor = 22] [set pcolor blue] ask patches with [pxcor < 159 and pxcor >= 155 and pycor = 20] [set pcolor blue] ;McMunn ask patches with [pxcor <= -128 and pxcor >= -137 and pycor = 40] [set pcolor blue] ask patches with [pxcor <= -128 and pxcor >= -137 and pycor = 38] [set pcolor blue] ask patches with [pxcor <= -128 and pxcor >= -137 and pycor = 36] [set pcolor blue] ask patches with [pxcor <= -128 and pxcor >= -137 and pycor = 34] [set pcolor blue] ask patches with [pxcor <= -128 and pxcor >= -137 and pycor = 32] [set pcolor blue] ask patches with [pxcor <= -128 and pxcor >= -137 and pycor = 30] [set pcolor blue] ask patches with [pxcor <= -128 and pxcor >= -137 and pycor = 28] [set pcolor blue] ask patches with [pxcor <= -128 and pxcor >= -137 and pycor = 26] [set pcolor blue] end to draw-aisle ;draws aisles in theatres, where turtles walk ;Kirwan ask patches with [pxcor = -6 and pycor > -20 and pycor < 24] [set pcolor grey] ask patches with [pxcor = -7 and pycor > -20 and pycor < 24] [set pcolor grey] ask patches with [pxcor = 6 and pycor > -20 and pycor < 24] [set pcolor grey] ask patches with [pxcor = 7 and pycor > -20 and pycor < 24] [set pcolor grey] ;Larmour ask patches with [pxcor = 17 and pycor > 23 and pycor < 39] [set pcolor grey] ask patches with [pxcor = 16 and pycor > 23 and pycor < 39] [set pcolor grey] ask patches with [pxcor = 29 and pycor > 23 and pycor < 39] [set pcolor grey] ask patches with [pxcor = 30 and pycor > 23 and pycor < 39] [set pcolor grey] ;Dillon ask patches with [pxcor = -17 and pycor > 23 and pycor < 39] [set pcolor grey] ask patches with [pxcor = -16 and pycor > 23 and pycor < 39] [set pcolor grey] ask patches with [pxcor = -29 and pycor > 23 and pycor < 39] [set pcolor grey] ask patches with [pxcor = -30 and pycor > 23 and pycor < 39] [set pcolor grey] ;Ac201 ask patches with [pxcor = 35 and pycor > 39 and pycor <= 48] [set pcolor grey] ask patches with [pxcor = 56 and pycor > 39 and pycor <= 48] [set pcolor grey] ask patches with [pycor = 48 and pxcor > 35 and pxcor < 56] [set pcolor grey] ask patches with [pycor = 46 and pxcor > 35 and pxcor < 40] [set pcolor grey] ask patches with [pycor = 46 and pxcor > 51 and pxcor < 56] [set pcolor grey] ;AC202 ask patches with [pycor = 48 and pxcor > 56 and pxcor < 73] [set pcolor grey] ;AC203 ask patches with [pycor = 48 and pxcor > 73 and pxcor < 84] [set pcolor grey] ;AC204 ask patches with [pycor = 48 and pxcor > 84 and pxcor < 95] [set pcolor grey] ;O'Flaherty ask patches with [pxcor = 101 and pycor >= 10 and pycor <= 42] [set pcolor grey] ask patches with [pxcor = 102 and pycor >= 10 and pycor <= 42] [set pcolor grey] ask patches with [pxcor = 113 and pycor >= 10 and pycor <= 42] [set pcolor grey] ask patches with [pxcor = 114 and pycor >= 10 and pycor <= 42] [set pcolor grey] ;D'arcy Thompson ask patches with [pxcor = 119 and pycor >= 0 and pycor <= 22] [set pcolor grey] ask patches with [pxcor = 135 and pycor >= 0 and pycor <= 22] [set pcolor grey] ask patches with [pycor = 22 and pxcor >= 130 and pxcor <= 134] [set pcolor grey] ask patches with [pycor = 0 and pxcor >= 120 and pxcor <= 123] [set pcolor grey] ask patches with [pycor = 0 and pxcor >= 130 and pxcor <= 134] [set pcolor grey] ;Cairnes ask patches with [pxcor = 141 and pycor >= 20 and pycor <= 42] [set pcolor grey] ask patches with [pxcor = 140 and pycor >= 20 and pycor <= 42] [set pcolor grey] ask patches with [pxcor = 153 and pycor >= 20 and pycor <= 42] [set pcolor grey] ask patches with [pxcor = 154 and pycor >= 20 and pycor <= 42] [set pcolor grey] ;McMunn ask patches with [pxcor = -139 and pycor >= 26 and pycor < 41] [set pcolor grey] ask patches with [pxcor = -138 and pycor >= 26 and pycor < 41] [set pcolor grey] ask patches with [pxcor = -127 and pycor >= 26 and pycor < 41] [set pcolor grey] ask patches with [pxcor = -126 and pycor >= 26 and pycor < 41] [set pcolor grey] end to draw-exit1 ;exits at top of concourse area, where turtles will leave set goal-x -7 set goal-y 85 ask patch goal-x goal-y [ sprout 1 [ set pcolor red set shape "square" ] ] end to draw-exit2 set goal-x 0 set goal-y 85 ask patch goal-x goal-y [ sprout 1 [ set pcolor red set shape "square" ] ] end to draw-exit3 set goal-x 7 set goal-y 85 ask patch goal-x goal-y [ sprout 1 [ set pcolor red set shape "square" ] ] end to draw-exit4 set goal-x -133 set goal-y 55 ask patch goal-x goal-y [ sprout 1 [ set pcolor red set shape "square" ] ] end to draw-exit5 set goal-x -132 set goal-y 55 ask patch goal-x goal-y [ sprout 1 [ set pcolor red set shape "square" ] ] end to draw-exit6 set goal-x -130 set goal-y 55 ask patch goal-x goal-y [ sprout 1 [ set pcolor red set shape "square" ] ] end to draw-exit7 set goal-x -135 set goal-y 55 ask patch goal-x goal-y [ sprout 1 [ set pcolor red set shape "square" ] ] end to draw-exit8 set goal-x 153 set goal-y 55 ask patch goal-x goal-y [ sprout 1 [ set pcolor red set shape "square" ] ] end to draw-exit9 set goal-x 152 set goal-y 55 ask patch goal-x goal-y [ sprout 1 [ set pcolor red set shape "square" ] ] end to draw-exit10 set goal-x 150 set goal-y 55 ask patch goal-x goal-y [ sprout 1 [ set pcolor red set shape "square" ] ] end to draw-exit11 set goal-x 149 set goal-y 55 ask patch goal-x goal-y [ sprout 1 [ set pcolor red set shape "square" ] ] end to draw-exit12 set goal-x -8 set goal-y 85 ask patch goal-x goal-y [ sprout 1 [ set pcolor red set shape "square" ] ] end to draw-exit13 set goal-x -1 set goal-y 85 ask patch goal-x goal-y [ sprout 1 [ set pcolor red set shape "square" ] ] end to draw-exit14 set goal-x 8 set goal-y 85 ask patch goal-x goal-y [ sprout 1 [ set pcolor red set shape "square" ] ] end to draw-exit15 set goal-x -6 set goal-y 85 ask patch goal-x goal-y [ sprout 1 [ set pcolor red set shape "square" ] ] end to draw-exit16 set goal-x 6 set goal-y 85 ask patch goal-x goal-y [ sprout 1 [ set pcolor red set shape "square" ] ] end to go ask turtles with [pcolor != red] [walk] ;asks turtles with patch color not equal to red carry out function walk if all? turtles [ pcolor = red ];stops simuation [ stop ] spread tick end to spread ;this is the spread of fear. ;when one turtle with fear is near another without, ;the other has a chance of also getting scared, according to slider on interface, spreadfear ask turtles with [fear? = true and pcolor != red] [ ask other turtles-here with [fear? = false ] [ if (random-float 100) < spreadfear [ getscared ] ] ] end to walk; tells what directions turtles are to go in, and to actually move. ;Kirwan if xcor >= 6 and xcor <= 7 and ycor > -20 and ycor < 24 [set heading 0] if xcor <= -6 and xcor >= -7 and ycor > -20 and ycor < 24 [set heading 0] ;if xcor = 7 and ycor > -20 and ycor < 24 [set heading 0] ;if xcor = -7 and ycor > -20 and ycor < 24 [set heading 0] ;Larmour if xcor <= 17 and xcor >= 16 and ycor >= 23 and ycor <= 39 [set heading 0] if xcor >= 29 and xcor <= 30 and ycor >= 23 and ycor <= 39 [set heading 0] ;Dillon if xcor >= -17 and xcor <= -16 and ycor > 23 and ycor < 39 [set heading 0] if xcor <= -29 and xcor >= -30 and ycor > 23 and ycor < 39 [set heading 0] ;AC201 if xcor = 35 and ycor < 48 and ycor > 39 [set heading 0] if xcor = 56 and ycor < 48 and ycor > 39 [set heading 0] ;AC202 if xcor > 57 and xcor <= 64 and ycor = 48 [set heading -90] if xcor > 64 and xcor < 72 and ycor = 48 [set heading 90] ;AC203 if xcor > 74 and xcor <= 84 and ycor = 48 [set heading -90] ;AC204 if xcor >= 86 and xcor <= 95 and ycor = 48 [set heading -90] ;O'Flaherty if xcor >= 101 and xcor <= 102 and ycor > 9 and ycor < 43[set heading 0] ;if xcor = 102 and ycor > 9 and ycor < 43[set heading 0] if xcor >= 113 and xcor <= 114 and ycor > 9 and ycor < 43[set heading 0] ;if xcor = 114 and ycor > 9 and ycor < 43[set heading 0] ;D'arcy Thompson if xcor >= 119.0 and xcor <= 119.99 and ycor > -1 and ycor < 23[set heading 0] if xcor >= 135.0 and xcor <= 135.99 and ycor > -1 and ycor < 23[set heading 0] ;Cairnes if xcor >= 140.0 and xcor <= 141.9 and ycor < 43 [set heading 0] ;if xcor = 141 and ycor < 43 [set heading 0] if xcor >= 153.0 and xcor <= 154.9 and ycor < 43 [set heading 0] ;if xcor = 154 and ycor < 43 [set heading 0] ;;McMunn if xcor >= -139 and xcor <= -138 and ycor > 25 and ycor < 41[set heading 0] ;if xcor = -138 and ycor > 25 and ycor < 41[set heading 0] if xcor >= -127 and xcor <= -126 and ycor > 25 and ycor < 41[set heading 0] ;if xcor = -126 and ycor > 25 and ycor < 41[set heading 0] if fear? = true [fd 1] ;if scared, turtles move faster. if fear? = false [fd .5] exit end to fear ;ask some initialy scared turtles to get scared ask n-of initially-scared turtles with [size = 1] [getscared] end to getscared ;changes turtles set color red set fear? true end to exit ;directs turtles to exits after they leave theatres ask turtles with [pxcor > 13 and pxcor < 98 and pycor <= 52 and pycor >= 51] [ set heading -90] ask turtles with [pxcor = 10 and pycor <= 52 and pycor >= 51] [face one-of turtles with [shape = "square" and xcor > 5 and xcor < 9 and ycor = 85]] ask turtles with [fear? = true and fast? = true and pycor = 55 and pxcor <= 13 and pxcor >= -13] [face one-of turtles with [shape = "square" and xcor > -9 and xcor < -5 and ycor = 85]] ask turtles with [pcolor = white] [die] ;Cairnes ask turtles with [pxcor >= 137.0 and pycor >= 43 and pycor <= 44 and pxcor <= 157.9] [face one-of turtles with [shape = "square" and xcor > 131 and ycor = 55 ]] ;D'arcy Thompson ask turtles with [pxcor >= 119 and pxcor <= 120 and pycor = 32] [face one-of turtles with [shape = "square" and xcor > 131 and ycor = 55]] ask turtles with [pxcor >= 135.0 and pxcor <= 135.99 and pycor = 43] [face one-of turtles with [shape = "square" and xcor > 131 and ycor = 55]] ask turtles with [pxcor >= 133 and pxcor <= 136 and pycor = 47] [face one-of turtles with [shape = "square" and xcor > 131 and ycor = 55]] ;O'Flaherty ask turtles with [pxcor >= 100 and pycor >= 43 and pycor <= 44 and pxcor <= 116] [face one-of turtles with [shape = "square" and xcor > 131 and ycor = 55 ]] ;AC204 ask turtles with [pxcor = 85 and pycor = 48] [set heading 0] ask turtles with [pxcor = 85 and pycor = 49] [face one-of turtles with [shape = "square" and xcor > 131 and ycor = 55]] ;AC203 ask turtles with [pxcor = 74 and pycor = 48] [set heading 0] ask turtles with [pxcor = 74 and pycor = 49] [face one-of turtles with [shape = "square" and xcor > -17 and ycor > 50]] ;AC202 ask turtles with [pxcor = 72 and pycor = 48] [ set heading 0] ask turtles with [pxcor = 57 and pycor = 48] [set heading 0] ask turtles with [pxcor = 72 and pycor = 49] [face one-of turtles with [shape = "square" and xcor > -17 and ycor > 50]] ask turtles with [pxcor = 57 and pycor = 49] [face one-of turtles with [shape = "square" and xcor > -17 and ycor > 50]] ;AC201 ask turtles with [pxcor = 56 and pycor = 48] [set heading 0] ask turtles with [pxcor = 35 and pycor = 48] [set heading 0] ask turtles with [pxcor = 56 and pycor = 49] [face one-of turtles with [shape = "square" and xcor > 5 and xcor < 9 and ycor = 85]] ask turtles with [pxcor = 35 and pycor = 49] [face one-of turtles with [shape = "square" and xcor > 5 and xcor < 9 and ycor = 85]] ;McMunn ask turtles with [pxcor >= -140 and pycor = 42 and pxcor <= -125] [face one-of turtles with [shape = "square" and xcor <= -130 and xcor >= -135 and ycor = 55 ]] ;Dillon ask turtles with [pxcor >= -33 and pycor >= 39 and pycor <= 40 and pxcor <= -14] [face patch -10 52] ask turtles with [pxcor = -10 and pycor = 52] [face one-of turtles with [shape = "square" and xcor < -5 and xcor > -9 and ycor = 85]] ask turtles with [pxcor = -15 and pycor = 43 and fear? = true and fast? = true] [face turtle 2] ;Larmour ask turtles with [pxcor >= 14 and pycor = 39 and pxcor <= 33] [face patch 10 52] ask turtles with [pxcor = 29 and pycor = 49 and fear? = true and fast? = true] [face one-of turtles with [shape = "square" and xcor > 131 and ycor = 55 ]] end
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Dania Sacks
Is there a password for the zip file? (Question)
To the model builders, My name is Dania Sacks and I am a PhD student from the University of Haifa. I am interested in modeling an evacuation scenario much like yours. I tried to download your model but I have a problem extracting it. Could you please let me know if the zip file is passworded because other zip files from the site have opened without a problem. Thank you, Dania Sacks
Posted over 4 years ago