Map represented as a network (rewiring equivalent to application of map)

Map represented as a network (rewiring equivalent to application of map) preview image

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Default-person julien siebert (Author)


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Tagged by julien siebert over 11 years ago


Tagged by julien siebert over 11 years ago


Tagged by julien siebert over 11 years ago


Tagged by julien siebert over 11 years ago

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Model was written in NetLogo 5.0.4 • Viewed 585 times • Downloaded 35 times • Run 0 times
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breed [ nodes node ] ;; the turtle are called nodes

nodes-own [ current-next-node new-next-node ]

globals [ continue? ]  ;; is it possible to apply the transformation once again 

to setup
  ;; creates all the nodes
  set-default-shape nodes "circle"
  let size-nodes ( 0.75 * max-pxcor / nb-nodes)
  create-nodes nb-nodes [set label who set size size-nodes ]
  ;; show the nodes with a circular layout
  layout-circle sort(turtles) radius
  ;; link the nodes
  ;; set up global parameters
  set continue? true
  ;; set simulation time to 0

to init-links
  ;; create an ordered cycle between nodes (e.g. 0 -> 1 -> 2 -> 3 ... -> (nb-nodes - 1) -> 0 )
  ask nodes
    set current-next-node turtle ((who + 1) mod count nodes)

to apply-transformation
  ;; rewire the links
  if continue?
    ;; we can still apply the transformation
    ask nodes
      ;; compute the new "next-node"
      set new-next-node (get-next-node nb-hop)  ;; get the next n-hop node
    ;; remove the links
    ask links [ die ]
    ;; change the current pointer to the next-node by the newly computed one
    ask nodes [ set current-next-node new-next-node ]
    ;; link the nodes
    ask nodes [ link-nodes ]

to link-nodes
  ;; create a link between the node and its current next-node
  ifelse current-next-node != self
    create-link-to current-next-node
      set color [color] of end2
    set continue? false

to-report get-next-node [ n ]
  ;; return the n-hop node (recursive function)
  let result nobody
  ifelse n = 0
    report self
    set n n - 1
    ask current-next-node [  
        set result get-next-node n
  report result

There is only one version of this model, created over 11 years ago by julien siebert.

Attached files

File Type Description Last updated
Map represented as a network (rewiring equivalent to application of map).png preview Preview for 'Map represented as a network (rewiring equivalent to application of map)' over 11 years ago, by julien siebert Download

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