Housing Market

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3 collaborators

Default-person Anamaria Berea (Author)
Default-person Matthew McMahon (Author)
Hoda Osman (Team member)


housing market 

Tagged by Anamaria Berea over 11 years ago

interest rate 

Tagged by Anamaria Berea over 11 years ago


Tagged by Anamaria Berea over 11 years ago

renter ownership 

Tagged by Anamaria Berea over 11 years ago

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price (Question)

hello dear, I am reading this model and a beginner in netlogo. My question is how price of house are working becuase bubble is via an exogenous shock? THanksss

Posted about 9 years ago

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;;A Housing Market Model
;;Anamaria Berea, Hoda Osman, Matt McMahon


; agents
breed [banks bank]

breed [people person]
  income    ; period income
  myHouses   ; which houses do I own; first in the list is the own I occupy. the rest are the ones I own and perhaps rent.
  timeInHouse ;

breed [houses house]
  is-occupied    ; does someone live here
  is-rental      ; am I a rental
  price  ; house price
  is-owned;todo keep track if house is owned or not
  mortgageCost  ; tick mortgage cost
  rent      ; tick rent cost
  missedPaymentCount ; count number of missed payments

breed [mortgages mortgage]


to initialize
  ;; (for this model to work with NetLogo's new plotting features,
  ;; __clear-all-and-reset-ticks should be replaced with clear-all at
  ;; the beginning of your setup procedure and reset-ticks at the end
  ;; of the procedure.)
  random-seed 8675309      

to go

   ;ask links [set hidden? not show-links]
   ;print [investmentCapital] of people 

; procedures

to update-housing-price-info
    let tmpList []
    ask people
      let tmpCount length myHouses 
      set tmpList fput tmpCount tmpList             
    let multiplier 1 + 3 * (mean tmpList - housingDemand) / 10
    set housingDemand mean tmpList
    print word "housing multipler" multiplier
  ask houses
    if random 100 < 5
      ;if is-occupied = 0 ; todo: do this but make the adjustment only for un-owned houses.
        set mortgageCost 0.01 +  price * interest-rate / 60
        set rent  price * rental-fraction
    if random 100 < 20
        ;print word "1 " price
        set price (price * multiplier * multiplier * multiplier)
        ;print word "2 " price
  ifelse is-rental = 1
      set color rgb (55 + (200 * (price - min-price) / (max-price - min-price))) 0 0
      set color rgb 0 0 (55 + (200 * (price - min-price) / (max-price - min-price)))
  ifelse missedPaymentCount > 3
         set size 2.0
         set color pink
        ifelse is-rental = 1
         set color rgb (55 + (200 * (price - min-price) / (max-price - min-price))) 0 0
         set color rgb 0 0 (55 + (200 * (price - min-price) / (max-price - min-price)))
        set size 1.0

to sell-investment-houses
 ;ask people whose investment capital is negative to sell a house
 ask people with [investmentCapital < 0 and length myHouses > 1]
   if random 100 < 50
     ;sell a house 
     ;print "Selling a house"
     let tmpHouses but-first myHouses
     let listToSell houses with [member? self tmpHouses]   ; find houses that are in the person's list
     ;print listToSell
     ;print count houses with [updateMortgage = 1]
     let tmpMyHouses []
     set tmpMyHouses myHouses
     let foreclosedHouses  listToSell with [missedPaymentCount > 3]
     ifelse count foreclosedHouses > 0
       if random-float 1.0 < 0.2
        ask one-of foreclosedHouses
         ;find my mortgage and sell me
         let myMortgage one-of mortgages with [which-house = myself] ; find my mortgage
         ;print myMortgage
         ;print tmpMyHouses
         set tmpMyHouses remove-item (position self  tmpMyHouses) tmpMyHouses
         ;set is-rental 0
         ;print tmpMyHouses
         ;some mortgages get asked to die which don't exist ...     
         ;ask myMortgage
         set missedPaymentCount 0   
      ask one-of listToSell
        ;find my mortgage and sell me
        let myMortgage one-of mortgages with [which-house = myself] ; find my mortgage
        ;print myMortgage
        ;print tmpMyHouses
        set tmpMyHouses remove-item (position self  tmpMyHouses) tmpMyHouses
        ;set is-rental 0
        ;print tmpMyHouses
        ;some mortgages get asked to die which don't exist ...     
        ;ask myMortgage
        ;print "Done Selling a house"
     set myHouses tmpMyHouses

to update-people
;ask people with [investmentCapital < 0]
;set color pink
;set size 2 
ask people with [investmentCapital >= 0]
set color rgb 0 (100 + (155 * (income - min-income ) / (max-income - min-income))) 0     
set size 1.0

  ask people
    set timeInHouse (timeInHouse + 1)
    ;randomly move to a new house
    if (random mobility = 1 or ; check to see if it's time to move to a new hosue
          (investmentCapital < 0 and (length myHouses = 1))) ; or if house has become too expensive
    ;;begin move to new house
      set timeInHouse 0
      let myHouse item 0 myHouses
      if ([is-rental] of myHouse = 0)
        ;set [has-owner] of myHouse 0
        ask myHouse [set has-owner 0]
      ;set [is-occupied] of myHouse 0
      ask myHouse [set is-occupied 0]
      set myHouses remove-item 0 myHouses
      ;buy new house
          let housingList houses  with 
            count people-here = 0         
          ];; assign a house to occupy

       let tmpHouse []
       let myRentalList housingList with [is-rental = 1 and rent < [income] of myself]
       let myPurchaseList housingList with [is-rental = 0 and mortgageCost < [income] of myself]
       ;print count myRentalList 
       ;print count myPurchaseList      
       ifelse (count myPurchaseList > 0)
         set tmpHouse one-of myPurchaseList
         if (count myRentalList > 0)
            set tmpHouse one-of myRentalList
      ;;occupy tmpHouse
      move-to tmpHouse     
      ;;create-link-with  tmpHouse          
      set myHouses  fput tmpHouse myHouses           ; add it to my list of houses. most people will have one house.      
      ask item 0 myHouses
        set is-occupied 1
     ;exchange mortgage

       ask mortgages with [which-owner = myself and which-house = myHouse]       
         set which-owner myself
        set which-house item 0 [myHouses] of which-owner
        set which-bank one-of banks
        move-to which-bank       
    ;;end move to a new house

to update-mortgages
  let tmpMortgageCount count houses with [updateMortgage = 1]
  create-mortgages tmpMortgageCount  
    set which-house one-of houses with     
      updateMortgage = 1
       ;member? self myHouses = true
    set which-owner one-of people with
      member? [which-house] of myself myHouses = true
    set which-bank one-of banks
    set purchasePrice [price] of which-house
    ;set [purchase-price] of which-house purchasePrice
    let newpp purchasePrice
    ask which-house [set purchase-price newpp]
    move-to which-bank
    ;set [updateMortgage] of which-house 0  ; finished updating
    ask which-house [set updateMortgage 0]

to update-available-capital
  ; update available capital
  ask people
    let tmpCapital income
    let tmpHouse item 0 myHouses
    ifelse ([is-rental] of tmpHouse = 0)
      set tmpCapital tmpCapital - [mortgagecost] of tmpHouse
     set tmpCapital tmpCapital - [rent] of tmpHouse
    if (length myHouses > 1)
      let tmpHouses but-first myHouses
      ask houses with [member? self tmpHouses]   ; find houses that are in the person's list, and subtract cost
        set tmpCapital tmpCapital - mortgageCost
        ifelse tmpCapital < 0
          set missedPaymentCount (missedPaymentCount + 1)
          set missedPaymentCount 0
    set investmentCapital tmpCapital

to buy-investment-houses
  ask people
    ;randomly choose a new house to buy
    if random-float 1.0 < 0.1
      ;print "buying an investment house" 
      ;buy new house
          let housingList houses  with 
            count people-here = 0 and
            mortgagecost < [investmentCapital] of myself
          ];; assign a house to buy
       ;print [mortgagecost] of houses
       ;print investmentCapital
       let tmpHouse []
       ;let myPurchaseList housingList with [is-rental = 0 and mortgageCost < [income] of myself]      
       if (count housingList > 0)
         set tmpHouse one-of housingList ;if there are houses available, choose one to buy
         ;;add house to my list
         ;print "tmpHouse"
         ;print tmpHouse
         set myHouses  lput tmpHouse myHouses           ; add it to my list of houses. most people will have one house.      
         ;adjust capital 
         ;set [is-rental] of tmpHouse 1    
         ask tmpHouse [set is-rental 1]     
         set investmentCapital (income - [mortgageCost] of tmpHouse)         
        ;print "done buying an investment house" 

to setup-mortgages
  set-default-shape mortgages "circle"
  create-mortgages count houses with [is-occupied = 1]
  ask mortgages
   let myHouse one-of houses with [is-occupied = 1 and updateMortgage = 1]
   set which-owner one-of people with     
     item 0 myHouses = myHouse

    set which-house item 0 [myHouses] of which-owner
    set which-bank one-of banks
    set purchasePrice [price] of which-house
    ;set [updateMortgage] of which-house 0
    ask which-house [set updateMortgage 0]
    move-to which-bank
    set color green

to setup-houses
 ask patches 
   set pcolor black
 set-default-shape houses "house"
 ;set-default-shape patches "house"
  let houseCount ceiling (initial-density * world-width * world-height / 100)
  ;print houseCount
  create-houses houseCount
  ask houses 
       set price (min-price + random (max-price - min-price))
       set is-occupied 0
       set mortgageCost 0.01 + price * interest-rate / 50
   if random-float 100.0 < rental-density
       set is-rental 1
       set rent  price * rental-fraction
     let tmpPrice price
     move-to one-of patches with [count (houses-here) = 0 and abs (pycor / world-height - ((tmpPrice - min-price) / (max-price - min-price))) < .1]
     ;move-to one-of patches with [count (houses-here) = 0 ]
    ifelse is-rental = 1
      set color rgb (55 + (200 * (price - min-price) / (max-price - min-price))) 0 0
      set color rgb 0 0 (55 + (200 * (price - min-price) / (max-price - min-price)))
    set size 1 ; dont draw the house agent
    set updateMortgage 1

to setup-people 
  set-default-shape people "person"

  let num-people (count houses * percent-occupied / 100); 
  create-people num-people
      set income (random (max-income - min-income) + min-income)
      set myHouses []
      let housingList houses  with 
            count people-here = 0         
          ];; assign a house to occupy

      let tmpHouse []

      let myRentalList housingList with [is-rental = 1 and rent < [income] of myself]
      let myPurchaseList housingList with [is-rental = 0 and mortgageCost < [income] of myself]
      ;print count myRentalList 
      ;print count myPurchaseList      
      ifelse (count myPurchaseList > 0)
        set tmpHouse one-of myPurchaseList
        if (count myRentalList > 0)
           set tmpHouse one-of myRentalList
     ;;occupy tmpHouse
     move-to tmpHouse  ; here is where we should deal with homeless people  
     set timeInHouse random mobility
     ;;create-link-with  tmpHouse          
     set myHouses  lput tmpHouse myHouses           ; add it to my list of houses. most people will have one house.      

     ask item 0 myHouses
       set is-occupied 1
    ;adjust capital 
    let houseType [is-rental] of tmpHouse
    ifelse houseType = 1
      set investmentCapital (income - [rent] of tmpHouse)
      set investmentCapital (income - [mortgageCost] of tmpHouse)
    ;give self a color
    ;set color rgb 0 (100 + (155 * (income - min-income ) / (max-income - min-income))) 0     
    set color green
    ;set color scale-color green income min-income max-income

to setup-banks
  set-default-shape banks "box"
  create-banks num-banks
      set color yellow
      move-to one-of patches with 
        [count (turtles-here) = 0]
        set size 2

to compute-bank-balances
  ask banks
  let delta 0
  ask mortgages with [which-bank = myself]
     if [missedPaymentCount] of which-house > 0
     set delta (delta + (([price] of which-house) - purchasePrice))
  print delta
  set incomeFromHouses delta
  ifelse (delta < 0)
   set color red
   ] ; else
   set color yellow


to setup-average-house-price-plot
  set-current-plot "average house price"
  set-plot-y-range  0 (ceiling max [mortgageCost] of houses)

to update-average-house-price-plot 
  set-plot-y-range 50 150
  set-current-plot "average house price"
  let myMean mean [price] of houses with [is-occupied = 1]
  set-current-plot-pen "myMean"
  plot myMean
  print "mean house price" 
  print myMean

to update-mortgage-plot
  set-current-plot "average mortgage"
  let myMean mean [mortgageCost] of houses with [is-occupied = 1]
  set-current-plot-pen "myMean"
  plot myMean
  print "mean house price" 
  print myMean

to update-mortgageHousePrice-plot
  set-current-plot "Average House Price vs Average Mortgage"
  set-current-plot-pen "AverageHousePrice"
  plot mean [price] of houses with [is-occupied = 1] 
  set-current-plot-pen "AverageMortgage"
  plot mean [mortgageCost] of houses with [is-occupied = 1]
  ;print "mean house price" 
  ;print myMean

to update-average-location
  set-current-plot "average loc"
  let myMean mean [ycor] of people
  set-current-plot-pen "myLoc"
  plot myMean

to update-ownership-plot
   set-current-plot "owner occupied and rental homes"
   let myOwnedHouses count houses with [is-occupied = 1 and is-rental = 0]
   set-current-plot-pen "myOwnedHouses"
   plot myOwnedHouses
   let myRentedHouses count houses with [is-occupied = 1 and is-rental = 1]
   set-current-plot-pen "myRentedHouses"
   ;print "owned and rented"
   ;print word myOwnedHouses myRentedHouses
   plot myRentedHouses

to update-housing-stats
   set-current-plot "mean number of investment houses owned"
   set-plot-y-range  0 15
   let tmpList []
   ask people
      let tmpCount length myHouses 
      set tmpList fput tmpCount tmpList 
   print word "average houses owned:" mean tmpList
   set-current-plot-pen "count"
   plot (mean tmpList - housingDemand) * 10 
   ;plot (mean tmpList)

to update-interest-rate-plot
   set-current-plot "Interest Rate"
   set-plot-y-range  0 15

   plot interest-rate

to update-bankrupt-people-plot
   set-current-plot "percentage of people bankrupt"
   let bankruptPeopleCount (count people with [investmentCapital < 0]) / count people
   plot bankruptPeopleCount
    set-plot-y-range  0 11

to update-balance-sheet-plot
   set-current-plot "balance sheet plot"
   let solventBankCount count banks with [incomeFromHouses > 0]
   plot solventBankCount
    set-plot-y-range  0 50

There is only one version of this model, created over 11 years ago by Anamaria Berea.

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Housing Market.png preview Preview for 'Housing Market' over 11 years ago, by Anamaria Berea Download

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