Zika babies and women's life-history

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Default-person John McKeown (Author)


fertility, birth, demography 

Tagged by John McKeown over 7 years ago

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extensions [ nw ]

globals [ culture-breastfeeding-maximum zika-monthly-recovery-chance zika-births ]

turtles-own [ age infected? contracepting? menopause? fertile? pregnant? months-pregnant months-postpartum breastfeeding ideal-family-size parity fear foolhardy bore-zika-baby ]

to setup
  set culture-breastfeeding-maximum 7
  set zika-monthly-recovery-chance 10
  set zika-births 0

  nw:generate-preferential-attachment turtles links n-agents [
;; initialise agent counters and Boolean variables
    set parity 0
    set months-pregnant 0
    set months-postpartum 0
    set pregnant? FALSE
    set menopause? FALSE
    set fertile? TRUE
    set contracepting? FALSE
    set infected? FALSE
    set bore-zika-baby 0
    set fear 0
    set foolhardy random 30
;; age of agent in years
    set age 21 + random 10
;; how many offspring agent wants
    set ideal-family-size random-poisson culture-ideal-family-size
    set shape "person"
    set color white
    setxy random-xcor random-ycor
    if show-labels? [
      set label (word age " " parity " " ideal-family-size " " months-pregnant " " months-postpartum)
  repeat 300 [ layout-spring turtles links 0.2 7 1.3 ]


to go

  ask turtles [

;; pregnant women only
    ifelse pregnant? [
      set months-pregnant months-pregnant + 1
      if months-pregnant > 9 [

;; non-pregnant women
      if months-postpartum > 0 [
        set fertile? FALSE
        set months-postpartum months-postpartum - 1
      ifelse menopause? [
        set fertile? FALSE
      ] [
      if fertile? [
        if random 100 > 90 [

;; all women
    if infected? [
      if random 100 < zika-monthly-recovery-chance [
        set infected? FALSE
        set pcolor black
    if random 100 < zika-prevalence * 10 [
      set infected? TRUE
      set pcolor brown

    if show-labels? [
      set label (word age " " parity " " ideal-family-size " " months-pregnant " " months-postpartum)
  ] ;; end of main ask turtles

  if all? turtles [ menopause? = TRUE OR parity = ideal-family-size ] [

to colour-status
    ifelse pregnant? [
       set color red
    [ if months-postpartum = 0 [
         set color white
    ifelse months-postpartum > 0 [
       set color blue
;; not postpartum
    [ if contracepting? [
         set color green
    if menopause? = TRUE [
       set color grey

to conceive
  set pregnant? TRUE
  set months-pregnant 1

to birth
  if infected? [
;; add 1 to number of offspring ever birthed by this agent
  set parity parity + 1
  set pregnant? FALSE
  set months-pregnant 0
  set breastfeeding random culture-breastfeeding-maximum
;; number of months before agent regains possibility of conceiving
  set months-postpartum 1 + breastfeeding

;; every 12th month, age of all agents is incremented by 1 year

to age-increment
  if ticks mod 12 = 0 [
    ask turtles [
      set age age + 1
;; annual check for menopause starting
      if menopause? = FALSE [
        if age > 40 [
          if random 100 < 10 [
            set menopause? TRUE
        if age > 50 [
          if random 100 < 50 [
            set menopause? TRUE
        if age > 55 [
          set menopause? TRUE

to calculate-fear
;; initialise local variables
  let background 0
  let impact-of-self-infected 0
  let impact-of-self-bearing-zika-baby 0
  let n-friends-infected 0
  let impact-of-friend-infected 0
  let n-friends-had-zika-baby 0
  let impact-of-friend-having-zika-baby 0
  let n-others-had-zika-baby 0
  let impact-of-others-having-zika-baby 0

  set background ( zika-prevalence * 10 )

;; self is infected
  if infected? [ set impact-of-self-infected 30 ]

  if bore-zika-baby > 0 [ set impact-of-self-bearing-zika-baby 80 ]

;; friend is infected
  set n-friends-infected ( count link-neighbors with [ infected? ] )
  set impact-of-friend-infected ( n-friends-infected * 10 )

;; friend bore Zika baby
  set n-friends-had-zika-baby round ( sqrt count link-neighbors with [ bore-zika-baby > 0 ] )
  set impact-of-friend-having-zika-baby ( n-friends-had-zika-baby * 40 )

;; other bore Zika baby
  set n-others-had-zika-baby ( zika-births - n-friends-had-zika-baby )
  set impact-of-others-having-zika-baby ( round ( sqrt n-others-had-zika-baby * 10 ) )

  set fear background + impact-of-self-infected + impact-of-self-bearing-zika-baby + impact-of-friend-infected + impact-of-friend-having-zika-baby + impact-of-others-having-zika-baby - foolhardy

;; debugging the components of fear
;;  show ( word background " FI:" impact-of-friend-infected " FB:" impact-of-friend-having-zika-baby " O:" impact-of-others-having-zika-baby " R:-" foolhardy )

to decide-contracept
  set contracepting? FALSE
  set fertile? TRUE
  let contracept? FALSE

;; family incomplete so maybe try for conception if not too risky
  ifelse parity < ideal-family-size [

    if random 100 < fear [
      set contracept? TRUE
;; family complete
    set contracept? TRUE
  if contracept? [
    set contracepting? TRUE
    set fertile? FALSE

to zika-birth
;; record that agent had a Zika-affected baby
  set bore-zika-baby bore-zika-baby + 1
;; increment cohort total
  set zika-births zika-births + 1

There is only one version of this model, created over 7 years ago by John McKeown.

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Zika babies and women's life-history.png preview Preview for 'Zika babies and women's life-history' over 7 years ago, by John McKeown Download

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