Child of TermitesLog
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extensions [nw csv] patches-own [pagenum] turtles-own [ t-pagenum community ;; ] directed-link-breed [friendbonds friendbond] ; globals [ wikilog ; log, куда записываются pages ;; перечень созданных страниц communities ;; перечень сообществ Mdl ; модулярность текущего сообщества ] to setup clear-all set wikilog [] set pages [] ;; set-default-shape turtles "bug" set-default-shape turtles "person" ;; randomly distribute wood chips ask patches [ set pagenum 0 ;; это метка для пятна, что здесь нет палочки ;; А нужно ли иметь этот 0 в каждой точке if random-float 100 < density [ set pcolor yellow ] ] ;; randomly distribute termites create-turtles number [ set color white setxy random-xcor random-ycor set size 3 ;; easier to see ] end to go ;; turtle procedure if length wikilog > number_of_turns [stop] ;; ограничитель числа ходов search-for-chip find-new-pile put-down-chip end to search-for-chip ;; turtle procedure -- "picks up chip" by turning orange ifelse pcolor = yellow [ ;; Если это палочка, которую не брали, то надо записать в журнал, что я создал эту новую палочку ifelse 0 = [pagenum] of patch-here [ let newpage 1 + length pages set pages lput newpage pages set t-pagenum newpage ;; это номер палочки, которую создал set wikilog lput (se [who] of self newpage "create" ) wikilog ] [set t-pagenum [pagenum] of patch-here ;; а если палочка, которую уже кто-то создал, то я записал себе номер этой палочки ] ;; set pcolor black set color orange fd 20 ] ;; взял палочку, и с этой палочкой пошел [ wiggle search-for-chip ] ;; а если ты не нашел, то продолжай поиск end to find-new-pile ;; turtle procedure -- look for yellow patches ;; это он ищет новую палочку, как только найдет - остановится и запустится put-down-chip if pcolor != yellow [ wiggle find-new-pile ] end to put-down-chip ;; turtle procedure -- finds empty spot & drops chip ;;; смотри - вот я нашел место, где могу положить палочку - я сюда положил палочку и ушел. ;; И записал в журнале, что я палочку положил ifelse pcolor = black ;; в первой проверке это не так, потому что я только что нашел новую палочку, я теперь покручусь вокруг, найду новое пустое место и там палочку положу [ ;; Передаю пятну номер статьи, которая тут теперь лежит ask patch-here [set pagenum [t-pagenum] of myself] set wikilog lput (se [who] of self [t-pagenum] of self "edit" ) wikilog ;; set pcolor yellow set color white set t-pagenum 0 get-away ] [ rt random 360 fd 1 put-down-chip ] end to get-away ;; turtle procedure -- escape from yellow piles rt random 360 fd 20 if pcolor != black [ get-away ] end to wiggle ; turtle procedure fd 1 rt random 50 lt random 50 end to save_log file-open user-new-file foreach wikilog [ [x] -> file-print csv:to-row x ] end to logs_to_sociogram ask patches [set pcolor 0] ;; пока связи идут только от редакторов к автору статьи foreach edits [ [?1] -> let friend1 item 0 ?1 let p1 item 1 ?1 let friend2 first first filter [ [??1] -> (p1 = item 1 ??1) and ("create" = item 2 ??1) ] wikilog if friend1 != friend2 [ ask turtle friend1 [ create-friendbond-to turtle friend2 ] ] ] repeat 8 [layout-spring turtles links 1 5 7 ] end to-report edits report filter [ [?1] -> "edit" = item 2 ?1 ] wikilog end ;; to ColorCommunity ask turtles [home st set size 5 set label "" set color 9.9] ask links [hide-link] set communities nw:louvain-communities set communities filter [x1 -> count x1 > 2] communities set communities sort-by [[ x1 x2] -> count x1 > count x2] communities if length communities > 14 [set communities sublist communities 0 13 ] let colors sublist base-colors 0 (length communities) let radius max-pxcor * 3 / 4 let dist n-values length communities [ i -> i ] ask turtles [set heading 0] let angle 360 / length colors (foreach reverse communities reverse colors dist [ [community1 col dist1] -> ask community1 [ set color col set label "" rt angle * dist1 fd (radius ) ;; rt random 360 ] ;; let Centr max-one-of community1 [nw:betweenness-centrality] ask links with [(member? end1 community1) and (member? end2 community1) ] [show-link] repeat 7 [layout-spring community1 links with [(member? end1 community1) and (member? end2 community1) ] 5 2 4 ] ]) end to CentralCommunity ask turtles [home st set color 9.9 set label ""] ask links [hide-link] set communities nw:louvain-communities set communities filter [x1 -> count x1 > 2] communities set communities sort-by [[ x1 x2] -> count x1 > count x2] communities if length communities > 14 [set communities sublist communities 0 14 ] let colors sublist base-colors 0 (length communities) let radius max-pxcor - 15 ask turtles [set heading 0] let angle 360 / length colors (foreach communities colors [ [community1 col] -> ask community1 [ set color col ] let Centr max-one-of community1 [nw:betweenness-centrality] layout-radial community1 links with [(member? end1 community1) and (member? end2 community1) ] Centr ask links with [(member? end1 community1) and (member? end2 community1) ] [show-link] ]) end to See_Community [group] ;; show CL ask turtles [ht set label "" set size 1] ask links [hide-link] let NewGroup group let GroupLinks links with [(member? end1 NewGroup) and (member? end2 NewGroup) ] ask NewGroup [ st set size 0.8 set label who ] ask GroupLinks [show-link ] ;; repeat 7 [ layout-spring NewGroup GroupLinks 1 10 7 ] end
There is only one version of this model, created over 7 years ago by Evgeny Patarakin.
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Parent: TermitesLog
This model does not have any descendants.