Foraging estimates

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; Foraging V3.0

;globals [max-lifepoints]
breed [foragers forager]
foragers-own [name lifepoints encounter-v search-v expected-search-cost potential-search-cost]
patches-own [countdown food]
globals [list-search-costs max-grass-food likelihood-pay-search-cost food-value-range-L cost-per-computation]


to setup
  set list-search-costs [1 2 4]
  set likelihood-pay-search-cost 70
  set max-grass-food (max-gain-from-food * max-lifepoints / 100)
  set food-value-range-L 15 ; food-value-range-H (high) is unnecesary, as it is 100% of max-grass-food
  set cost-per-computation (1 * computing-cost / 100 ) / 6

  ;Initialize patches
  ask patches [set pcolor brown]

  ask n-of num-grassy-patches patches [ set pcolor green ]  ; num-grassy-patches patches turn green

    ask patches [
    ifelse pcolor = green
        [ set countdown grass-regrowth-time
          ;set food random max-grass-food]
          set food ( ( max-grass-food * food-value-range-L / 100 ) + random ( max-grass-food * (100 - food-value-range-L) / 100 ) )]
          ;set food median (list max-grass-food/2   max-grass-food]
      [ set countdown (random grass-regrowth-time / 2 + random grass-regrowth-time) ] ; initialize grass regrowth clocks randomly for brown patches

  ; Initialize foragers
  create-foragers initial-number-foragers [
    set shape "person"
    set color white
    set size 1.5
    setxy random-xcor random-ycor
    set lifepoints (max-lifepoints / 2 + random max-lifepoints / 2)
    ;set lifepoints random (2 * forager-gain-from-food)



to go
  if not any? foragers [ user-message "Humanity has gone extinct :(" stop ] ; A little bit of humour

  ; Foragers
  ask foragers [

    set lifepoints lifepoints - 1 ; living ain't free
    set potential-search-cost one-of list-search-costs; ; is not "computed" by forager,
                                                      ; this info is "hidden" to the forager,
                                                      ; who will become aware of it only if we call compute-sc

    ; compute value (encountered, search) & cost (search)
    if lifepoints < (max-lifepoints * saciety-thresh / 100) [

      ifelse this-model = "forage" [

        if encounter-v < (search-v - expected-search-cost) [
        movelegs ; moves and pays search-cost. In "forage" mode, if encounter-v < (search-v - expected-search-cost),


  ; Patches
  ask patches [ decay-grass ]

  ; Foragers
  ask foragers [

  ; Patches
  ask patches [ grow-grass ]


; Forager procedures

to compute-ev
  set encounter-v (food * (1 - (grass-decay-prob / 100) ))
  set lifepoints (lifepoints - cost-per-computation)

to compute-sv
  ; from command line, in observer mode, got what I wanted with:
  ; ask forager 0 [set search-v sum [food] of neighbors]
  set search-v (sum [food] of neighbors) / 8 ; 'cause there are 8 neighbors
  set lifepoints (lifepoints - cost-per-computation)

to compute-sc
  ; From Kolling et al 2012, Science:
  ; Decisions to search entailed a risk of point loss (which constituted the search cost) with a
  ; likelihood of 70%. The number of points that might be lost was set to three different levels
  ; and the level on each trial was indicated to the subject by the color of the box surrounding
  ; the search alternatives (potential point loss: red = 20; white = 10; green = 5).
  set expected-search-cost potential-search-cost
  set lifepoints (lifepoints - cost-per-computation)

to should-isosig ; should I stay or ...
; phased out to include computation of foraging costs in f(movelegs)

to movelegs
  set heading random 360
  fd 1
  if random-float 100 < likelihood-pay-search-cost [
    set lifepoints (lifepoints - potential-search-cost)
  ;set lifepoints (lifepoints - real-search-cost)
  ; it's not worth it to calculate a real-search-cost, just throw the dice

to eat-grass  ; forager procedure
  ; sheep eat grass, turn the patch brown
  if pcolor = green [

    ;set lifepoints lifepoints + forager-gain-from-food  ; gain lifepoints by eating
    set lifepoints lifepoints + food  ; gain lifepoints by eating
    set pcolor brown
    set food 0

to death ; forager procedure
  ; when energy dips below zero, die
  if lifepoints < 0 [ die ]

; Patch procedures

to grow-grass  ; patch procedure
  ; countdown on brown patches: if reach 0, grow some grass
  if pcolor = brown [
    ifelse countdown <= 0
      [ set pcolor green
        set countdown grass-regrowth-time
        set food (max-grass-food / 2 + random max-grass-food / 2)
      [ set countdown countdown - 1 ]

to decay-grass ; patch procedure
  if pcolor = green [
    if random-float 100 < grass-decay-prob [ ; will grass survive? throw dice...
      set pcolor brown
      set food 0 ]


to-report grass
  let grass-q patches with [pcolor = green] ; patches with [pcolor = green]
  let grass-report ((count grass-q / 50) * (initial-number-foragers / 25))
  report grass-report

There is only one version of this model, created over 5 years ago by Mike Cisneros-Franco.

Attached files

File Type Description Last updated
Foraging estimates.png preview Preview for 'Foraging estimates' over 5 years ago, by Mike Cisneros-Franco Download

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