Soil network simulation

Soil network simulation preview image

2 collaborators

Default-person Natalie Davis (Author)
Default-person Gary Polhill (Advisor)



Tagged by Natalie Davis over 4 years ago


Tagged by Natalie Davis over 4 years ago


Tagged by Natalie Davis over 4 years ago

soil and water conservation 

Tagged by Natalie Davis over 4 years ago

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Model was written in NetLogo 6.1.1 • Viewed 299 times • Downloaded 39 times • Run 0 times
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; GPL 3 license                                                                ;
;    This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify      ;
;    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by      ;
;    the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or         ;
;    (at your option) any later version.                                       ;
;                                                                              ;
;    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,           ;
;    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of            ;
;    GNU General Public License for more details.                              ;
;                                                                              ;
;    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License         ;
;    along with this program.  If not, see .    ;
extensions [ csv table ]

globals [ this-seed links-list ]

breed [ resources resource ]
breed [ consumers consumer ]

consumers-own [ location target-location resource-requirement resource-stock metabolism active? spawn-energy consumption-rate ]
resources-own [ subnet-id node-id current-supply resource-capacity regrow-rate ]

to setup
  ; Set a random seed unless one is provided
  ifelse my-seed != 0 [ set this-seed my-seed ] [ set this-seed new-seed ]
  random-seed this-seed
  ; Record initial state of model

to go
  if not any? consumers with [ active? = true ] [ stop ]
  ; All resources regrow by regrow-rate each tick (up to resource-capacity)
  ; Consumers wander randomly and consume resources
  ; Consumers with enough energy spawn new consumers
  ; All consumers check and consume basal metabolism from stocks
  ; Record data - not currently done every tick or the file size quickly expands
  if (ticks = 10 or ticks = 100 or ticks = 250 or ticks = 500 or ticks = 750 or ticks = 1000) [

; Observer procedure to check if consumers have enough energy to meet basal metabolic requirements

to check-supplies
  ask consumers with [ active? = true ] [
    ; If they don't have enough energy, they become inactive
    ifelse resource-stock <= resource-requirement [
    ] [
      ; Otherwise, metabolise basal requirement from resource stocks
      set resource-stock resource-stock - resource-requirement

; Consumer procedure to set consumers without enough energy as 'inactive' - effectively dead, but
; still in the system to allow for expansion/future work

to become-inactive ; consumer procedure
  set resource-stock 0
  set active? false
  set hidden? true

; Observer procedure to handle consumers eating resources - if there is nothing for them to eat, they move on, otherwise they consume
; what is available (up to their maximum consumption-rate per timestep)

to consume-resource
  ask consumers with [ active? = true ] [
    ifelse resource-stock < 0 [
      ; If consumer has used up all energy getting to the resource and is in negative resource stocks, it dies (but not if it is at 0)
    ] [
      ; If there is nothing to eat here, consumers move on
      if not any? resources-here with [ current-supply > 0 ] [ move-on ]
  ; Only check resources with something for consumers to take, and that have consumers on them
  ask resources with [ current-supply > 0 ] [
    if any? consumers-here with [ active? = true ] [
      let active-consumers-here consumers-here with [ active? = true ]
      let total-resource-req sum [ consumption-rate ] of active-consumers-here
      ifelse total-resource-req <= current-supply [
        ; Let everyone take what they want for this tick
        ask active-consumers-here [
          set resource-stock resource-stock + consumption-rate
        ; Deplete resource
        set current-supply current-supply - total-resource-req
      ] [
        ; If there is not enough for everyone to take their fill, have consumers split what's available and move on
        let split-supply current-supply / count active-consumers-here
        ask active-consumers-here [
          set resource-stock resource-stock + split-supply
        ; Drain resource
        set current-supply 0

; Consumer procedure for moving toward a previously-identified target resource, or identifying a new target resource

to move-on
  ifelse patch-here != [ patch-here ] of target-location [
    ifelse distance target-location <= 1 [
      ; If consumer is right next to the target, move to it
      let small-step (distance target-location)
      face target-location
      move-to target-location
      let this-link link [ who ] of location [ who ] of target-location
      ; Energy consumed is proportional to distance travelled
      set resource-stock ( resource-stock - ( metabolism * small-step ) )
    ] [
      ; If >1 unit of distance to go, keep moving toward target
      face target-location
      fd 1
      let this-link link [ who ] of location [ who ] of target-location
      set resource-stock ( resource-stock - metabolism )
  ] [
    ; If arrived, update current location to (old) target location
    set location target-location
    ; Identify new target and move toward it, if there are any to move toward
    if count [ link-neighbors ] of location > 0 [
      set target-location one-of [ link-neighbors ] of location
      face target-location
      fd 1
      set resource-stock (resource-stock - metabolism)

; Observer procedure to identify resources below maximum capacity and have them regrow

to regrow-resource
  ask resources with [ current-supply < resource-capacity ] [
    ifelse current-supply + regrow-rate <= resource-capacity [
      ; Resources fill up by regrow-rate
      set current-supply current-supply + regrow-rate
    ] [
      ; Resources that are nearly at full capacity fill up to full capacity, but not beyond that
      set current-supply resource-capacity

; Observer procedure to identify consumers who are able to spawn, and have them reproduce

to spawn-consumers
  ask consumers with [ resource-stock > ( spawn-energy * 2 ) ] [
    ; Spawn a new consumer, set initial resource stock to the amount it took to spawn
    hatch-consumers 1 [ set resource-stock spawn-energy ]
    ; Deplete parent's resource stock by the amount it took to spawn
    set resource-stock resource-stock - spawn-energy

;                                         ;
;             Setup functions             ;
;                                         ;

; Observer procedure to read in a file that contains resource node-specific attributes,
; including an unique identification number, and creates the resources

to import-node-attributes
  let i 1
  file-open nodes-file
  ; Skip headers
  let headers csv:from-row file-read-line
  ; Data should be in this order: network-id xcor ycor node-id
  ; Network-id stores the subnetwork to which the node belongs - not currently used
  ; Node-id is just an incremented index
  while [not file-at-end?]
    let items csv:from-row file-read-line
    create-resources 1 [
      set subnet-id item 0 items
      set xcor item 1 items
      set ycor item 2 items
      set node-id item 3 items
      set shape "square"
      set color yellow
      set resource-capacity random max-resource-capacity
      set regrow-rate random max-resource-regrow-rate
      set current-supply resource-capacity

; Observer procedure to read in a file that contains all the links.
; The first column contains the node-id of the resource originating the link.
; The second column is the node-id of the resource on the other end of the link.
; Links are not directed currently, so it doesn't make a difference which node is on which end.

to import-links
  file-open links-file
  let headers csv:from-row file-read-line
  while [not file-at-end?]
    let items csv:from-row file-read-line
    ask get-node (item 0 items)
      create-link-with get-node (item 1 items)

;; Helper procedure for looking up a node by node-id.

to-report get-node [id]
  report one-of resources with [node-id = id]

; Observer procedure to create consumers

to make-consumers
  create-consumers n-consumers [
    set color red
    set shape "bug"
    set active? true
    set resource-requirement consumer-resource-requirement
    set resource-stock initial-resource-owned
    set metabolism consumer-metabolism
    set consumption-rate consumer-consumption-rate
    set spawn-energy consumer-spawn-energy
    set location one-of resources
    set target-location location
    move-to location

;                                         ;
;       Data collection reporters         ;
;                                         ;

; Report mean resource supply across consumers - for plotting and data collection

to-report mean-consumer-resource-stock
  ifelse count consumers with [ active? = true ] > 0 [
    report mean [ resource-stock ] of consumers with [ active? = true ]
  ] [
    report 0

; Report standard deviation of resource supply across consumers - for plotting and data collection

to-report sd-consumer-resource-stock
  ifelse count consumers with [ active? = true ] > 3 [
    report standard-deviation [ resource-stock ] of consumers with [ active? = true ]
  ] [
    report "NA"

; Report Gini coefficient of resource supply across consumers - for plotting and data collection
;; Adapted from Wilensky, U. (1998). NetLogo Wealth Distribution model.

to-report gini-consumer-resource-stock
  let active-consumers count consumers with [ active? = true ]
  let sorted-res-stocks sort [ resource-stock ] of consumers with [ active? = true ]
  let total-res-stock sum sorted-res-stocks
  let res-stock-sum-so-far 0
  let index 0
  let gini-index-sum 0

  ; Calculate the Gini index
  repeat active-consumers [
    set res-stock-sum-so-far (res-stock-sum-so-far + item index sorted-res-stocks)
    set index (index + 1)
    set gini-index-sum
      gini-index-sum +
      (index / active-consumers) -
      (res-stock-sum-so-far / total-res-stock)
  report (gini-index-sum / active-consumers / 0.5)

; Report count of active (alive) consumers - for plotting and data collection

to-report count-active-consumers
  report (count consumers with [ active? = true ])

;                                         ;
;           Recording functions           ;
;                                         ;

; Observer procedure to record model's initial state - writes file headers and consumer data.
; NOTE: This subroutine will delete an existing file with the same name! If you are running the code locally,
; be sure to use different seeds to save the files with unique names if you don't want them to be overwritten.

to record-initial-consumer-state
  let consumer-output-file-bspace ""
  ifelse empty? behaviorspace-experiment-name [
    set consumer-output-file-bspace (word "x-1-" this-seed "_consumerdata.csv")
  ] [
    set consumer-output-file-bspace (word "x-" behaviorspace-experiment-name "_" this-seed "_" behaviorspace-run-number "_consumerdata.csv")
  if file-exists? consumer-output-file-bspace [
    file-delete consumer-output-file-bspace
  file-open consumer-output-file-bspace
  file-print "ticks,consumer,is-active,x,y,resource-stock"
  ask consumers [
    file-print (word ticks "," who "," active? "," xcor "," ycor "," resource-stock)

; Observer procedure to record model's initial state - writes file headers and resource data.
; NOTE: This subroutine will delete an existing file with the same name! If you are running the code locally,
; be sure to use different seeds to save the files with unique names if you don't want them to be overwritten.

to record-initial-resource-state
  let resource-output-file-bspace ""
  ifelse empty? behaviorspace-experiment-name [
    set resource-output-file-bspace (word "x-1-" this-seed "_resourcedata.csv")
  ] [
    set resource-output-file-bspace (word "x-" behaviorspace-experiment-name "_" this-seed "_" behaviorspace-run-number "_resourcedata.csv")
  if file-exists? resource-output-file-bspace [
    file-delete resource-output-file-bspace
  file-open resource-output-file-bspace
  file-print "ticks,resource,xcor,ycor,current-supply,resource-capacity,regrow-rate"
  ask resources [
    file-print (word ticks "," who "," xcor "," ycor "," current-supply "," resource-capacity "," regrow-rate)

; Observer procedure to record consumer location, status, and resource stock.

to write-consumer-state
  let consumer-output-file-bspace ""
  ifelse empty? behaviorspace-experiment-name [
    set consumer-output-file-bspace (word "x-1-" this-seed "_consumerdata.csv")
  ] [
    set consumer-output-file-bspace (word "x-" behaviorspace-experiment-name "_" this-seed "_" behaviorspace-run-number "_consumerdata.csv")
  file-open consumer-output-file-bspace
  ask consumers [
    file-print (word ticks "," who "," active? "," xcor "," ycor "," resource-stock)

; Observer procedure to record resource location, current supply, maximum supply, and regrowth rate

to write-resource-state
  let resource-output-file-bspace ""
  ifelse empty? behaviorspace-experiment-name [
    set resource-output-file-bspace (word "x-1-" this-seed "_resourcedata.csv")
  ] [
    set resource-output-file-bspace (word "x-" behaviorspace-experiment-name "_" this-seed "_" behaviorspace-run-number "_resourcedata.csv")
  file-open resource-output-file-bspace
  ask resources [
    file-print (word ticks "," who "," xcor "," ycor "," current-supply "," resource-capacity "," regrow-rate)

There are 3 versions of this model.

Uploaded by When Description Download
Natalie Davis about 4 years ago Added GPL 3 license Download this version
Natalie Davis about 4 years ago Updated comments and cleaned up code Download this version
Natalie Davis over 4 years ago Initial upload Download this version

Attached files

File Type Description Last updated
Soil network simulation.png preview Preview image showing consumers (red bugs) on resources (yellow squares) about 4 years ago, by Natalie Davis Download

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