Zombie Attack! 2.2.0

Zombie Attack! 2.2.0 preview image

1 collaborator

Turtlezero2-white-048 James Steiner (Author)



Tagged by James Steiner almost 3 years ago


Tagged by James Steiner almost 3 years ago


Tagged by James Steiner almost 3 years ago


Tagged by James Steiner almost 3 years ago

particle system 

Tagged by James Steiner almost 3 years ago


Tagged by James Steiner almost 3 years ago


Tagged by James Steiner almost 3 years ago


Tagged by James Steiner almost 3 years ago

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[   g   ; gravity constant (for gobs)
    kills ;; number of player kills
    shots ;; number of player shots fired
    hits  ;; number of shots that hit
    misses ;; number of shots that missed
    speed  ;; overall zombie speed
    counter ;; counter for level advancement
    level  ;; current game level / wave
    score  ; current score
    barrier  ;; the patches that contain the barrier
    game-over?  ;; is the gamve over?
    tocks       ;; occur every 5 ticks
;;    crosshairs  ;; the turtle that is the crosshair
;;    gun  ;; the turtle that is the gun
;;    bullet  ;;
    fire?  ;; has the fire button been pressed (or, with auto, is it time to fire?)
    full-auto? ;; is full auto mode on?
;;    target  ;; the thing that is the current gun target
    point-blank  ;; the xcoord beyond which damage is 8
    mid-range ;; the xcoord beyond which damage is 4
    long-range ;; the xcoord beyond which damage is 2
    truck! ;; keeps track of the last appearance of the zombie truck
    mid-pxcor ;; half-way bewteen min- and max- pxcor
    mid-pycor ;; likewise
    ; message ;; text of message to scroll on screen
    ; msg-row ;; current row of message

breed [ bullets a-bullet ] ;; bullet is really just a line
breed [ zombies a-zombie ] ;; zombies attack in waves
breed [ trucks truck ] ;; a truck is driven by a zombie
breed [ giants giant ] ;; a giant zombie
breed [ trees a-tree ] ;; an innocent tree, can be destroyed by giants and vehicles
breed [ guns a-gun ] ;; the turret that rotates and fires bullets
breed [ gobs a-gob ] ;; gobs of zombie gore and truck parts: results of zombie destruction: a particle system
breed [ new-gobs a-new-gob ]
breed [ hairs a-hair ] ;; the cross-hair
breed [ messengers a-messanger ] ;; used to display messages

[ vx vy ;; velocity in x and y, for particle system
  ttl ;; time-to-live : count-down to removal
  burning? ;; true if gobs are burning

[ base-shape ;; base of the name..add suffix for flash shapes
  my-bullet ;; bullet "line" that goes with this gun.
  gun-type ;; the type of gun/bullet pattern
  fire-rate ;; how fast does the gun fire (timer mod fire-rate = 0 = fire!)
[ my-gun ]

[ my-gun

[ is-falling? ]

[ pace   ;; how fast this particular zombie moves
  integrity ;; the current physical integrity of the zombie--at zero, zombie disintegrates
  frame  ;; the current animation frame of this zombie
  base-shape ;; the base of the shape name for this zombie
  bonus      ;; the score bonus obtained from killing this zombie
  sub-breed  ;; the sub-breed of this zombie (zombie, giant, trucks)
  inflammable? ;; can this zombie burn?
  burning?   ;; is this zombie currently  burning?

to startup ;; run setup when model loads

;; ~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.

to setup
;; ~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.
   ;; (for this model to work with NetLogo's new plotting features,
  ;; __clear-all-and-reset-ticks should be replaced with clear-all at
  ;; the beginning of your setup procedure and reset-ticks at the end
  ;; of the procedure.)

to setup-gun-and-bullet
;; ~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.

   let emplacements
       patch (min-pxcor + 5) 0
       patch (min-pxcor + 5) (0 - (world-height * .25) )
       patch (min-pxcor + 5) (0 + (world-height * .25) )
   let gindex 0
   foreach emplacements
  [ ? -> ask ? [  do-sprout-gun gindex set gindex gindex + 1 ]

to do-sprout-gun [ gindex ]
;; ~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.
   sprout-guns 1
     [ let me nobody
       ;; set gun self ;; look out!
       set color gray
       set heading 90
       set size 5
       set base-shape "gun"
       set gun-type 0
       set fire-rate 5
       set g-number gindex

to setup-trees
;; ~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.
  set-default-shape trees "grass"

  let row max-pycor
   repeat world-height
   [ ask patches with [ pycor = row and pxcor > min-pxcor + 5 and random 10 < 7 and (min-pxcor + random world-width ) < pxcor  ]
     [ sprout-trees 1
       [ set heading 0
        if-else random 10 > 3
        [ set size floor (1 + random 2) stamp die ]
        [ set shape "tree"
          set size floor (2 + random-normal 2 1)
         set is-falling? false
     set row row - 1

to tree-fall
   set is-falling? true

to setup-bullet
;; ~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.
       hatch-bullets 1
       [ ;; set bullet self
         set shape "line"
         set size world-width
         set color white
         ; __set-line-thickness .2
         set my-gun myself
         ask my-gun [ set my-bullet myself ]

to setup-crosshair
;; ~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.
   hatch-hairs 1
   [ ;; set crosshairs self
     set color white
     set heading 0
     set size 3
     set target nobody
     set my-gun myself
     ask my-gun [ set my-crosshair myself ]

to setup-first-message
   message-create "STOP THE ZOMBIES!"

to message-create [ #message ]
;; ~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.
   ;; TRICK: since anything can ask a patch to do something,
   ;; and a patch can always SPROUT, this trick uses a patch to sprout a turtle
   ;; so that either the observer, a turtle, or even another patch can create a turtle.
   ask patch mid-pxcor max-pycor
   [ sprout-messengers 1
     [ set shape "message"
       set size 1
       set color white
       set label (word #message "   ")

to setup-default-shapes
;; ~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.
   set-default-shape zombies "zombie0"
   set-default-shape guns "gun"
   set-default-shape gobs "gob"
   set-default-shape bullets "bullet"
   set-default-shape hairs "cross-hair"

to setup-globals
;; ~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.
   set g -0.03  ;; gravity constant
   set game-over? false ;; game over flag
   set kills 0
   set counter 1
   set speed .1
   set level 0
   ; set ticks 0
   set tocks random 5
   set full-auto? false
   set long-range min-pxcor + world-width * .5
   set mid-range min-pxcor + world-width * .25
   set point-blank min-pxcor + world-width * .125
   set truck! 0
   set full-auto? false
   set mid-pxcor min-pxcor + world-width * .5
   set mid-pycor min-pycor + world-height * .5

;; ~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.

to go
;; ~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.
    every ( 1 / 60 )
     ifelse game-over?
     [ if not ( any? zombies or any? gobs or any? messengers ) [ stop ]
     [ aim
       if ticks mod 100 = 0 [ barrier-repair ]

to aim
;; ~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.
   ifelse full-auto?
   [ ask hairs
     [ if (not is-a-zombie? target or random-float 1.0 < .1)
       [ if ( any? zombies with [ pxcor < (max-pxcor - (.75 * max-pxcor)) ] )  or (random-float 1.0 < 0.05 and any? zombies)
         [ let targets (zombies with [ pxcor < (max-pxcor - 5) ])
           ifelse any? targets with [ not burning? ]
           [ set target min-one-of targets with [ not burning? ] [ [ distance myself ] of [ my-gun ] of myself ] ]
           [ set target min-one-of targets [ [ distance myself ] of [ my-gun ] of myself ] ]
       ifelse is-a-zombie? target ;; move cross-hair to target
         setxy (.6 * xcor + .4 * [ xcor ] of target) (.6 * ycor + .4 * [ ycor ] of target )
         setxy (.8 * xcor + .2 * mid-pxcor) ( .8 * ycor + .2 * ( mid-pycor + world-height * .4 * sin (who * 30 + 3 * ticks) ) )
     ask guns [ face my-crosshair ]
     ask bullets [ set heading [ heading] of my-gun ]
     set fire? any? hairs with [ is-a-zombie? target ]
     if mouse-inside?
     [ let mx mouse-xcor
       let my mouse-ycor
       ask hairs [ setxy mx my ]
       ask guns [ face my-crosshair ]
       ask bullets [ set heading [ heading ] of my-gun ]
     set fire? mouse-down?

to fire
;; ~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.
   ask guns
   [ ifelse ticks mod fire-rate = 0 and fire?
     [ ask my-bullet [ show-turtle ]
       set shape (word base-shape "-fire")
       set shots shots + 1
       if any? zombies
       [ let hit min-one-of zombies with
             [ abs subtract-headings (safe-towards myself ) (180 + [heading] of myself ) < 2
             ] [ distance myself ]
         ifelse is-a-zombie? hit
         [ set hits hits + 1
           ask my-bullet
           [ set size distance hit ]
           ask hit
           [ zombie-injury ]
         [ set misses misses + 1
           ask my-bullet [ set size world-width ]
     [ ask my-bullet [ if not hidden? [ hide-turtle ] ]
       if shape != base-shape [ set shape base-shape ]

to-report safe-towards [ agent ]
   ifelse patch-here = [ patch-here ] of agent
   [ report 0 ]
   [ report towards agent ]

;;; Previous fire routine, when gun fired individual pellets, in various patterns
;;;to fire
;;;   ask gun
;;;     [
;;;       ifelse gun-type = -1  [ make-bullets 1 0 0 0 0 ]
;;;       [ ifelse gun-type = 0  [ make-bullets 2 0 0 -.5 1 ]
;;;       [ ifelse gun-type = 1  [ make-bullets 3 0 0 -1 1 ]
;;;       [ ifelse gun-type = 2  [ make-bullets 3 -5 5 0 0 ]
;;;       [ ifelse gun-type = 3  [ make-bullets 4 0 0 -2 1.25 ]
;;;       [ ifelse gun-type = 4  [ make-bullets 5 -20 10 0 0 ]
;;;       [ ifelse gun-type = 5  [ make-bullets 5 0 0 -4 2 ]
;;;       [ ifelse gun-type = 6  [ make-bullets 7 -15 5 -3 1 ]
;;;                              [ make-bullets 7 -15 5 -6 2 ]
;;;       ]]]]]]]
;;;     ]

;to bullets-fly
;;; ~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.
;   ask bullets
;   [ if not can-move? 1
;     [ die ]
;     jump 1
;     let targets (zombies-on neighbors) with [ abs (pxcor - [pxcor] of myself) < 1.5 and abs (pycor - [pycor] of myself) < 3 ]
;     if any? targets
;     [ ask one-of targets
;       [ zombie-injury
;       ]
;       die
;     ]
;   ]

to trees-fall
   ask trees with [ is-falling? ]
   [ jump (-0.5 * size)
     lt 5
     jump ( 0.5 * size)

     if heading < 270 and heading > 250 [ die ]

to gobs-fly
;; ~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.
   ask gobs
     set vy vy + g
     let nx xcor + vx
     let ny ycor + vy
     if nx < min-pxcor or nx > max-pxcor
        or ny < min-pycor or ny > max-pycor
     [ die
     set ttl ttl - 1
     if ttl <= 0
    [ set shape "puddle" if color != black [ set color red ] stamp die ]
     setxy nx ny
     rt 10

to gobs-birth [ qty looks new-size]
;; ~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.
   hatch-gobs qty
   [ gob-props
     ifelse looks = ""
     [ ;; standard gore
      if-else [sub-breed] of myself = trucks [ set color one-of [ red black ]] [ set color red ]
       set size one-of [1.0 1.5 2.0 ]
     [ ;; different size or shape gore (e.g.: trucks, mutant )
       set shape looks set size new-size

to gob-props
;; ~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.
   set vx -.3  + random-float 2.0
   set vy random-float .5
   set ttl 20
   set label ""

to zombies-move
;; ~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.
   if ticks mod 2 != 0 [ stop ]
   ;; make new zombies
   if game-over? != true and count zombies < 35 + 5 * level and random 10 <= counter
   [ zombie-birth
   ask zombies
   [ ;; if random 100 <= counter [ face one-of guns ]
     if not is-patch? patch-ahead 1
     [ zombie-death ]
     if not ( any? (other zombies-on patch-ahead 1)
              or any? other zombies-here with [ who < [who] of myself ] )
     [ if  sub-breed = giants or sub-breed = trucks
       [ ask trees in-radius (size * .5) [ tree-fall ] ]
       jump pace

     ;; update animation
     set frame frame + .5
     if frame >= 4
     [ set frame 0
       if burning?
       [ set integrity integrity - 1
         ask zombies in-radius ( size  )
         [ zombie-start-burning ]
         if integrity <= 0
         [ update-counters
     set shape (word base-shape floor frame)

     if shade-of? pcolor barrier-base-color
     [ let rad size * .5
       if burning? [ set rad size ]
       ask barrier in-radius rad [ set pcolor background-color ]

     if pxcor <= min-pxcor
     [ zombie-death ]
   ;; set label integrity

to-report in-far-right-column
;; ~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.
   report pxcor = max-pxcor

to-report in-the-middle-rows
;; ~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.
   report pycor < max-pycor - 5 and pycor > min-pycor + 5

to-report no [ #things ]
;; ~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.
   report not any? #things

to  zombie-birth
;; ~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.
   let birth-patches patches with [ in-far-right-column and in-the-middle-rows and no zombies-here ]
   if any? birth-patches
   [ ask one-of birth-patches
     [ sprout-zombies 1
       [ zombie-initialize-regular
         ;; aim the zombie at some barrier brick
         ;; when the barrier is broken down, makes the zombies more deadly
         if any? barrier with [ shade-of? pcolor barrier-base-color ]
         [ face one-of barrier with [ shade-of? pcolor barrier-base-color ]
         ;; maybe make a fast zombie..
         if-else random 100 < 5 + level
         [ zombie-modify-make-fast
         ;; maybe make giants!!
         ifelse level >= 10 and random 100 < 2
         [ zombie-modify-make-giant
         ;; maybe make trucks (or bulldozers)
         if truck! < level and (level mod 4 = 0 or level > 20)
         [ zombie-modify-make-truck

to zombie-initialize-regular
;; ~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.
   set heading  270
   set color green + level * 10 - 1 + random-float 2
   set size 3
   set frame 0
   set pace speed + random .1
   set integrity 1 + int (level * .1)
   set base-shape "zombie"
   set bonus 0
   set sub-breed zombies
   set burning? false
   set inflammable? true

to zombie-modify-make-fast
   set pace 1
   set color color - color mod 10 + 8
   set integrity 1 + int (.25 * integrity)

to zombie-modify-make-giant
;; ~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.
   set size size * 3
   set pace pace / 3
   set integrity integrity * 10
   set bonus 1000
   set sub-breed giants
   set base-shape "zombie"
   message-create "ALERT! GIANT MUTANT ZOMBIE!"

to zombie-modify-make-truck
;; ~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.
   set heading 270
   set truck! level
   set base-shape one-of [ "truck" "dozer" ]
   set shape (word base-shape "0")
   set size size * 2
   set pace .1
   set integrity integrity * 100
   set bonus 3000
   set sub-breed trucks
   set burning? false
   set inflammable? false ;; trucks don't burn
   message-create (word "ALERT! " caps base-shape " RIDING ZOMBIE!" )

to zombie-injury
;; ~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.
   let damage 0
   if [ gun-type = 1 ] of myself
   [ zombie-start-burning ]
   set damage damage-by-range
   set integrity integrity - damage
   ifelse integrity <= 0
   [ update-counters
   [ gobs-birth damage "" 0
   if [ gun-type = 0 ] of myself [ if xcor + .1 < max-pxcor  [ set xcor xcor + .1 ] ]

to zombie-start-burning
   if inflammable? and not burning?
   [ set burning? true
     ;; permanently modify base-shape
     set base-shape (word base-shape "-burning" )

to-report damage-by-range
;; ~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.
   ifelse pxcor < point-blank [ report 8 ][
   ifelse pxcor < mid-range [ report 4 ][
   ifelse pxcor < long-range [ report 2 ][
   report 1]]]

to zombie-death
;; ~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.
   let gc count gobs + count zombies ;; gob-count
   ;; ngc = new gob count
   let ngc ifelse-value ( gc < 100 ) [ 5 ] [ 0 ]
   let ngs 1
   set base-shape remove "-burning" base-shape
   if-else gc > 200 [ gobs-birth 1 "" 0 ]
   [ if gc < 200 [ let index 1 repeat 4 [ gobs-birth 1 (word base-shape "-part" index) size  set index index + 1 ] ]
     if gc < 100 [ gobs-birth 5 "" (1 + random-float 1.0) ]
     if gc < 50 [ gobs-birth 10 "" (1 + random-float 1.0) ]
   if not any? barrier with [ shade-of? pcolor blue ]
   [ game-over ]

to make-bullets [ qty offset spread y-off y-inc ]
;; ~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.
   set offset heading + offset
   hatch-bullets qty
   [ jump 2.5
     set heading offset
     let nx xcor + y-off * sin ( heading - 90)
     let ny ycor + y-off * cos ( heading - 90)

     set offset offset + spread
     set y-off y-off + y-inc

     if nx < min-pxcor or ny < min-pycor or ny > max-pycor [ die ]
     setxy nx ny
     set color 8 + 10 * random 13

;to update-score [ amt ]
;;; ~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.
;   set score score + amt
;   ; set [plabel] of scoreboard (word score ":" level )

to update-counters
;; ~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.
   set kills kills + 1
   set score score + 1 + level + bonus
   set counter counter + 1
   if counter >= 250
   [ set counter counter - 250
     set speed speed * 1.5
     if speed > 1 [ set speed .1 ]
     set level level + 1
     ask one-of guns
     [ ifelse gun-type = 0
       [ ifelse fire-rate > 2 ; and level mod 1 = 0
         [ message-create "RELOAD RATE UPGRADE!"
           set fire-rate fire-rate - 1
         [if fire-rate <= 2 and level >= 20
         [ set gun-type 1
           ask my-bullet [ set color red ]
           set base-shape "gun1"
           set fire-rate 6
           message-create "WEAPON UPGRADE!"
       [ if fire-rate > 1 ; and level mod 5 = 0
         [ set fire-rate fire-rate - 1
           ; __set-line-thickness .1 * fire-rate
           ifelse fire-rate <= 1 [ ask my-bullet [ set color blue ]][
           if fire-rate < 3 [ ask my-bullet [ set color lime ]]
           message-create "BEAM REFRESH UPGRADE!"


to game-over
   ask hairs
   [ home
   if ticks mod 10 = 0 [ message-create "GAME OVER!" ]
   set game-over? true

to setup-background
;; ~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.
   ask patches
   [ set pcolor background-color

to-report background-color
;; ~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.
    ;; reports a textured background color for the current patch, based on patch location, etc.
    report brown - 5 + .1 * random 5 + 6  * ((pycor - min-pycor) / world-height) ;

to setup-barrier
;; ~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.
   ;; defines and colors the patches that comprise the barrier
   set barrier patches with [ pxcor <= min-pxcor + 5 ]
   ask barrier [ set pcolor barrier-color ]

to-report barrier-color
;; ~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.
   ;; reports the barrier color for the current patch
   report barrier-base-color - 3 + pxcor - min-pxcor + ((pycor + pxcor) mod 2)

to-report barrier-base-color
;; ~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.
   ;; reports the barrier base color
   ;; hack--for better speed should really be a global
   report blue

to barrier-repair
;; ~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.
   ;; if barrier needs repair, repair one cell of the barrier
   if any? barrier with [ not shade-of? pcolor barrier-base-color ]
   [ ask one-of barrier with [not shade-of? pcolor barrier-base-color and any? neighbors4 with [ shade-of? pcolor barrier-base-color ] ]
     [ set pcolor barrier-color ]

to auto-fire
;; ~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.~�����~.�_�.
   ;; toggle / initialize if needed, the full-auto variable
   set full-auto? (full-auto? = false)
   let state "DE-"
   if full-auto? [ set state "" ]
   message-create (word "AUTO-FIRE " state "ACTIVATED")

to message-update
   ask messengers
   [ if pycor <= min-pycor [ die ]
     set ycor ycor - .5
     set color 9.9 - color

to-report caps [ #text ]
   let lc "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
   let result ""
   let c ""
   foreach n-values length #text [ i -> item i #text ]
   [ ? -> set c ?
     let i position c lc
     if i != false
     [ set c item i uc ]
     set result (word result c)
   report result

to-report promote [ #char ]

There are 2 versions of this model.

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James Steiner about 3 years ago Bug fix Download this version
James Steiner about 3 years ago Initial upload Download this version

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Zombie Attack! 2.2.0.png preview Preview for 'Zombie Attack! 2.2.0' about 3 years ago, by James Steiner Download

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